General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter DIRDOC (Final doc directory)  

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This setup is used to define the directory where the documentation should be generated. It should be noted that this directory must exist beforehand. The following subdirectories will be used (they will be created automatically if they do not exist):

  • FCT (function help directory)
  • OBJ (object help directory)
  • L4G (language help directory)
  • MCD (dictionary help directory)
  • INSTALLATION (directory of the help relating to the installation procedures)
  • FLD (field help directory)
  • CONSOLE (directory of the help on the administration console).

You must also create an XML directory if you need to extract XML-format documentation files.

This parameter can contain the percent (‘%’) character. When the help is created this character is replaced by the language code that corresponds to the generation language. This generates the help in several languages, separating the created files into different directories. For an HTML generation, this character is replaced by the iso code present in the language codes table for the required language if it exists, otherwise it is replaced by the language code.

This setup can contain a maximum of 250 characters.

The directory can be entered under these 4 different formats:

  • Locally on a client workstation: #@C:\TEMP
  • On the application server. For example: /app/produits/solution/DOSSIER/tmp
  • On a distant server. Ex : aydaix05:2050@/app/produits/solution/DOSSIER/tmp
  • On a volume of the application server. For example: [TMP]/repertoire_personalise

SEEWARNING The use of volumes is only possible if the tree structure of the volume is included in the tree structure defined in the SANDBOX so that the Runtime can allow Reading/Writing in this directory.

SEEWARNING The directory in which the documentation will be generated, whether on a local client workstation or an application server, must have both read and write permissions.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group DOC (Documentation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GDIRDOC is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Translations > Documentation > Extract documentation

  Translations > Documentation > Import documentation

  Translations > Documentation > Documentation workbench

  Development > Data and parameters > Documentation > Documentation