Use this parameter to enter an end date that is used to give a range end to logical dates for the connection to a folder. The logical date for the connection to a folder is defined by the datesyst system variable.
At connection, the system date from the server is proposed as the logical date. It can be modified by the user. This modification is only taken into account if the user has the authorization to modify the connection date in his profile.
Once this connection date is determined, a check is done to confirm it is in the range defined by the STRDAT and ENDDAT parameters. If not, the retained date is the nearest one. It is STRDAT if an earlier date has been entered or ENDDAT if a later date has been entered.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group DEF (Default values), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
The global variable GDATFIN is associated with it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter ENDDAT :
CHGDAT (defined at level User) : Date change allowed
STRDAT (defined at level Folder) : Start date
All functions managing documents where the transaction's logical date is initialized by default by this value.
The logical date entered this way is used to date information from the management point of view. For example, when you enter a posting, it is proposed as the default posting date. On the other hand, this date isn't used to enter creation or modification dates (CREDAT/UPDDAT) in the database. In these cases, the system date from the date$ function is used.