General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter NOSTOPERR (Migration not interrupted/error)  

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This setup is used for folder migration.

Folder migration is the validation of a folder in a Vn version which is in a reference folder of version Vm where (Vn<Vm).

If the NOSTOPERR setup is No, the validation will stop after the two next steps if there is an error (GERRDOS variable <>0):

Step a: update sub-programs for supervisor and functional tables before the modification of folder structure.

Step b: update sub-programs for supervisor and functional tables after the modification of folder structure.


Structure modification means that the tables of the migrated folder become conform to the reference folder's tables.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group FDR (Folder management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.


Warning! This setup should be set to Yes only for the first attempt at migration so that all migration issues are reviewed and so that potential corrections might be done.

A folder which is validated again with this option and which presents errors in the log file should b considered as UNUSABLE as such. The folder will be restored, the corrective actions will then have be taken in order to acknowledge migration error and the re-validation will have to be done again.

It is therefore recommended to not set this setup to Yes upon last migration.