In the Workflow function, Sage X3 offers the possibility to set up automatic alerts sent from a triggering event defined in the Workflow rules function (GESAWA).
The value of the TYPMES parameter is Server: messages are sent through a SMTP/POP3 e-mail client from the server (regardless of the operating system). The executable file used is named meladx and is included in Sage X3.
The e-mail server name must be known. Define it in the SERMES - E-mail server parameter (SUP chapter, WRK group).
This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group WRK (Workflow), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
The global variable GTYPMES is associated with it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter TYPMES :
SERMES (defined at level Folder) : E-mail server
This parameter concerns email sending: