General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter USR3 (User profile 3)  

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This parameter is used to limit the number of simultaneous connections for users by menu profile type.

In effect, in the menu profile record of the users, a characteristic exists, called profile type, based on the local menu 926, which can take different values (by default, in standard, there are 3 profile types defined: Normal, Administrator, Developer). The only interest for this field is to allow a limitation on the number of users for a profile type thus defined.

The USR3 parameter controls the number of users simultaneously connected that are of the first profile type: if it is set to 0, no control is carried out, otherwise its value defines the maximum number of connected users with this profile type.

The interest of this type of control is, in the case where there is a large number of users to whom decentralized entry operations have been delegated (for instance, pinpoint operations like the entry of sales rep interventions, expense notes), that it is possible to define a quota for the number of connections for these users, in order to prevent these users blocking the connection of regular users by "consuming" all the workstations defined by the installed licence. Another way to operate is to define a common user and grant them a maximum number of authorized connections; but this way of operating does not guarantee any traceability of the connected users, as they will all have the same code.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group SES (Session management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • MAXSES1 (Number of full primary sessions)
  • MAXSES2 (Number of full secondary sessions)
  • TIMEHGUP1 (Time limited for disconnection)
  • TIMEHGUP2 (Connection timeout)
  • TIMEHGUP3 (Secondary session time out)
  • USR1 (User profile 1)
  • USR2 (User profile 2)
  • VTMEN (Connection menu VT)

No global variable is associated with it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter USR3  :


  USR1 (defined at level Folder) : User profile 1

  USR2 (defined at level Folder) : User profile 2

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

The general administrator, whose code is defined by the ADMUSR variable, is not affected by these quotas, and can always log on (provided the global limit on the number of users given in the licence is not exceeded).


If there is a requirement to restrict the number of users for more than the 3 profile types, since local menu 926 is freely definable by the user, it is possible to specifically define (using the parameter definition) a USRn parameter where n is any number less than 250. If this parameter exists, its value will be tested to limit connections of connection type of n. It should however be noted that this parameter will need to be protected by a specific/custom activity code in order to safeguard it ; but no other modification will be necessary.