General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter WINIMP (Destination of print)  

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This parameter is used to define if a user, when they trigger a print, can use as a printer destination a printer from amongst those accessible from their workstation (with the classic Windows selection screen, which was the only possibility in version 130) or whether they must use a printer accessible from amongst the existing destinations.

If this parameter is set to Yes, this possibility is offered to the user. It should be noted that, even in this case, destinations can be proposed by default, notably by means of the linked parameters shown below. If the preference goes to a Windows printer, the default choice should be deleted and using the right click, a choice of printer should be made from the window that opens.

The printer type controls cannot be made of course if a printer is selected from the Windows printers, while these controls are possible with the use of a predefined destination.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group RPT (Print-outs), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • ASAIDEST (Direct e-mailing via crystal)
  • IMPPCEJOIN (Print attachments)
  • PRT1 (Default destination type 1)
  • PRT2 (Default destination type 2)
  • PRT3 (Default destination type 3)
  • PRT4 (Default destination type 4)
  • SERIMP (Print server)

No global variable is associated with it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter WINIMP  :


  PRT1 (defined at level Site) : Default destination type 1

  PRT2 (defined at level Site) : Default destination type 2

  PRT3 (defined at level Site) : Default destination type 3

  PRT4 (defined at level Site) : Default destination type 4

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Reports > Reports