General parameters >  Chapter Common Data >  Parameter MSTACT (Market sectors management)  

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This parameter, of local menu type (number 2961), is used to define the operating method of market sectors. It can contain four different values:

  • None: This value means that the market sector management is not used. No sector or sales rep assignment calculation will be carried out when creating or modifying a prospect/customer.
  • Dynamic: this value means that, upon creation or modification of a prospect/customer, all the definiton rules of the market sectors will be examined in order to determine the proper assignment of the prospect/customer both in terms of sector and sales representative.
  • Manual: This value means that the market sector management is used. The calculation of the automatic assignment of the sectors and sales representatives is not carried out dynamically but either as the result of an action carried out by a user or via the use of the batch server. The batch server can be used either via the periodic submission of the CRMMST task by a user or via a recurring task that would undertake the frequency of these calculations.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group MST (Market sector management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • KEEPMST (Manual sector assignment)
  • KEEPREP (Manual reps. allocation)
  • MSTDLV (Synchronize ship-to customers)

The global variable GMSTACT is associated with it.

This parameter is defined at folder level.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Common data > Customer relation > CRM activity > Market sectors

In addition to the management and allocation functions of market sectors, BP management is directly impacted by this parameter.
