It is mandatory to enter this parameter to enable an expense note to be entered and posted.
In effect, the entry of an expense note is only authorized for those users whose "Miscellaneous BP for expense notes" parameter has been defined. This parameter value is therefore used to establish the link between the user (having or not the right to connect) and the miscellaneous BP for whom the expense notes will be posted.
The specified BP MUST be at least of Miscellaneous BP type.
Moreover, this Miscellaneous BP must have an accounting code, and lines 8 or 9 Collective account/Expenses notes account must as a consequence contain the Personnel-Expenses notes account to be loaded.
For this miscellaneous BP/employee, it may also prove necessary to enter the type of document on which the expenses note must be posted. the selected document type will then have the "Open item management" set to Yes and will have available the payment method that will then be applied to the open items created during the posting of the entry. The interest being the possibility to benefit from the automatic payment proposition process, this process only takes into account the due items having a payment method. It is therefore possible to have a document type "Expenses notes transfer" (attached to the payment method VIR) and another document type "Expenses notes cheque (attached to the payment method CHQ) if some of the employees are paid by transfer and others by cheque. This "Document type" field is not mandatory for the launch of the expense postings, it being always possible to specify the document type (and therefore indirectly the payment method) to be applied.
This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group EXP (Expenses management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
Its values are defined by the function BPs.
No global variable is associated with it.