General parameters >  Chapter Acc Payable/Acc Receivable >  Parameter PAYRNDMAX (Maximum rounding variance)  

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This parameter is used within the framework of the management of rounding variances on payments.

When the currency of the payment is different from the invoicing currency, the sum of the line conversions may be different from the conversion of the total amount and thus of tha payment amount. The user is then offered the possibility to save a rounding variance.

X3 generates 2 additional "technical" posting lines which result from the validation by the generation of 2 rounding variance entry lines.

The PAYRNDMAX parameter value is used to define the maximum rounding variance being authorized. It refers to the payment currency.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group PAY (Payment entry init and control), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Payment/Receipt entry