This parameter is used in the consistency check on the tax codes of the invoicing elements of a sales document. If an invoicing element has a tax level but if no tax code is linked to this level, then the tax code used in the exempt tax code entered in the EXETAX - Exempt tax code parameter (TC chapter, VAT group).
The WRNEXETAX parameter is used to display in the log file generated after the tax codes control, a message explaining that the tax code entered in the EXETAX parameter has been used.
The values of the WRNEXETAX parameter are as follows:
The following message is displayed in the log file: Tax level: XXX: Tax code: YYY: Loading with exempt tax code: ZZZ.
The message is not displayed in the log file.
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group VAT (Tax management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
The global variable GWRNEXETAX is associated with it.
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries
Sales > Invoices > Invoices
Sales > Orders > Orders
Sales > Orders > Open orders
Sales > Quotes > Quotes
The consistency check on tax codes for invoicing elements (and lines) applied when saving the sales document is based on the value of parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group - no control, non blocking control, blocking control).