This function is used to copy a file by providing the source path and a destination path.

The file name syntax can be in the form server:service@path, provided that the server indicated has an Adonix service available with the specified number. Where the service number is absent, it is the number of the service associated to the current folder that is used. In the same way, where the server name is absent, it is the application server that is used by default.

The path for the files to be copied can be relative or absolute. If it is relative, it is assumed to be part of the database directory of the current folder. If the # character is used in place of the server, the file is supposed to be located on the client workstation. Warning, there are opening restrictions for the files on the client workstation in Web mode.

Screen management

Entry screen

When launching, the original and direction paths are selected. Once these two paths are assigned, the validation of the entry triggers the copy, which duration depends of course on the size of the file to be copied.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation