This function is used to integrate all the paragraphs of a documentation previously extracted in the form of an XML file. The main objective is to enable the reintegration after translation of said documentation with software designed to translate XML files.

The integration is performed from a default xml directory, created, if it does not exist, in the documentation directory defined by the DIRDOC parameter.

The files need to have previously extracted by the documentation workbench or documentation extraction function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen

The directory where the documentation to be integrated can be found is entered in the screen, along with a few options. Following this, the files present in the directory are read and integrated.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Appendix: format of the files created

The format of the XML file of the function or object documentation, as it can be found in the xml directory, is as follows:

  • a standardized xml header,
  • a DOC tag with the TYPE and NAME attributes (that define the type and code of the documentation),
  • inside the DOC tag, for each paragraph, a PAR tag with the LAN, LEV, SUBLEV, PAR, MSK, STY, VLDDAT, VLDFLG, ACT and MOD attributes (that define the language, level, sub-level, paragraph code, screen, style, validity date, validity flag, activity code and module),
  • inside the PAR tag, a TIT tag is given for the title of the paragraph (if any),
  • inside the PAR tag, an HTML tag contains the text of the paragraph in XHTML format.

The field documentation files are located in the FLD sub-directory of the xml extraction directory. The format is as follows:

  • a standardized xml header,
  • an FLD tag with the NAME, LAN, MOD, GEN, LNKHLP, LNKORD, CREDAT, UPDDAT attributes (that define the name, language, module, generic attribute of the documentation, linked help, link, creation date and modification date),
  • Inside the FLD tag, an HTML tag contains the text of the paragraph in XHTML format.

The files linked to a documentation are located in the FILE sub-directory of the xml extraction directory. The name of the file is constructed in the following fashion:


  • COD_LAN_TYP_LEV_SUBLEV_LIG is generated from the the key of the linked file in the ADOCBLB table (this aims at ensuring the name unicity).
  • LGCLE contains the length of the previous key in order to be able to correctly extract the documentation code.
  • NOMFICHIER and EXT correspond to the name of the file (name and extension) if it is mentioned in the ADOCBLB table, or to a name composed of "IMG" characters, followed by the line number on 3 characters (prefixed with zeros, if necessary), then followed by the ".jpg" extension.