This function is used to view the characteristics of an X3 installation defined by a pair (server, service number). On entering the function :

  • the server field is empty, which corresponds to the application server to which the user is connected by default.
  • the current service is proposed by default.

This is used to directly view the characteristics the current installation.

But it is possible to modify these fields in order to obtain the characteristics of another server and/or another service.

Screen management

Entry screen

When entering this function, three sections are displayed in the screen, only two of which are significant (the Adonix section, and the Oracle or SQLServer section according to the database used).

This section is used to display the information on the installation.

Specific Buttons


is used to re-read the information relative to the pair (server, service) entered.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

server not accessible

The server named does not exist, or is not accessible given the authorization available to the user.

Server nonexistent on this machine

The adxd service whose number is given does not respond to the system (either it does not exist or it is stopped) situation.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation