The Safe X3 engine used by the software from version 140 is UNICODE. It means that it is capable of managing the characters of the languages requiring a coding of more than a byte (namely the Asian characters), and supports different coding standards.

The most common standards recognized by ADONIX are the following:

  • the UTF8 standard, which consists in coding characters using a variable number of bytes.
  • the UCS2 standard, which codes characters in 2 bytes.

In the case of ASCII characters used for European languages, the UTF8 codes ASCII characters when the code is less that 128, on a single byte, with the same ASCII code. It is thus only the accented characters that change (they are coded on 2 bytes).

This is why the ADONIX source processes are stored in UTF8 standard. A process for a version older than v140, stored in ASCII, can still be read by the editor; if it is re-written, it is automatically rewritten in UTF8. When this happens, an indicator in the process header makes possible to know if it is v130 or v140 source code.

It can nevertheless be useful to convert a process of a version above 140 into a v130 process, and in a more general way to convert a text file in ASCII code, UTF8 or UCS2 into another of these formats. This is what makes possible this utlity, which presupposes one thing: that texts are organized with a maximum of 250 characters per line, with an end of line character equal to Line Feed (code 10), whether or not it is preceded by the code for Carriage Return (code 13).

Screen management

Entry screen

On entering the function, the file whose code needs to be converted and the conversion sense need to be defined.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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