Supplier e-invoice mapping

Use this function to map data from inbound supplier invoices to your current data. You can select e-invoices using several criteria and define which mapping rules apply. Invoices are collected from the Purchase and AP modules through the Sage Network.

This process is not yet available, but you can simulate the process. Refer to the Introducing the e-invoicing framework how to guide for details on this and other important topics.

After running the process, a log file details the results such as success, errors, and warnings. You can run the process manually or set up a recurring task.

In the Supplier e-invoice generation function, you can view or update records that are partially mapped or have an error.

You need to map invoice data in the XML file to data in Sage X3 so that you can generate invoices and credit memos. This includes site, data, supplier, transaction type, currency, total amount, and origin (purchase or AP module). For example, mapping determines the BP code from the supplier name or tax ID in the XML file.

After incoming data is mapped, the purchasing or supplier invoice can be generated in Sage X3 using the Supplier e-invoicing generation function (EINVINBGEN). You can also address partially mapped files and errors in that function.

Mapping information


Mapping rules rely on the following information that is required to create the e-invoice.

See the Mapping rules field help for managing duplicates during the mapping process.

Property Determination


Sage X3 code from the company name, the tax ID and the EU VAT no. in the XML file.
Settings are available to manage duplicates.


Sage X3 code the site name, the tax ID, or the EU VAT no. in the XML file.
Settings are available to manage duplicates.


From the supplier name, the tax ID, or the EU VAT no. in the XML file.
Settings are available to manage duplicates.


From settings associated with the supplier.


Date record was created in the temporary table.


Retrieved from the ISO code in the XML file.

Invoice type

From the supplier invoice type.

BP invoice date

Directly parsed from the XML file.

BP invoice no.

Directly parsed from the XML file.

Order no.

Directly parsed from the XML file header.

Tax excl. amount

Directly parsed from the XML file.

Tax amount

Directly parsed from the XML file.

Tax incl. amount

Directly parsed from the XML file.


Data from the XML file is matched to fields in Sage X3 accordingly:

  1. Purchase order (CUSORDREF)

  2. Company (CPY)

  3. Site (FCY)

  4. Supplier code (BPSNUM) and Invoicing module (Purchase inv/ BP supplier inv/Manual) (INVORIMOD)

  5. Currency (CUR)

  6. Invoice type (PIVTYP) and Invoice category (INVTYP)

  7. Updating detail fields (EINVWKD table / Document line)

  8. Status: Mapped or Incomplete mapping (STA)

Screen management

Entry screen

Use these fields to determine which invoices to import from Sage Network and which mapping rules to apply.

Log file

The file displays when current process completes. For each record processed, the file indicates:

  • Values not found, such as no company or no supplier found
  • Status, such as mapped, incomplete mapping, or mapping error followed by a reason
  • Duplicate values including details such as BP duplicates followed by the BP codes
  • Inconsistent values

Specific buttons

Memo Select this action to save the current settings to reuse later using a unique memo code. The memo code is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.
Recall Enter or select the unique memo code you created to apply the settings saved with that code.
Delete memo This action deletes a saved memo code and cannot be undone.