This function is used to capitalize a set of global variables defined in the application and to generate automatically the declaration (or even to initialize it if it is planned so in the record) in the sub-program DEFVAR of the processing specified in the record. It is never possible to add processing lines in the generated processings.

This is a delicate function since it intervenes in the processing variable declaration. It is essentially designed for developers and should not under any circumstances be left in the hands of unauthorized users. It is strongly advised not to modify the standard or when doing it at all, do it on purpose.

When checked, the "public" checkbox indicates that the global variable can be reused, notably by the specific. The documentation linked to this variable is available.

The global variables used in the product are not all declared in this dictionary. It is necessary to identify:

  • those allocated to a setup
  • those going beyond a processing.

For the variables that are not in the dictionary, they should be declared directly in the functional processing.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen

A single screen is used to write the variable, specify it format, its size and if needed to setup its initialization.

Specific Buttons