Since version 108, the “Safe X3 Java Bridge Server” component has the ability to contact an X3 processing server in order to call 4GL sub-programs directly. In this way, the developers of "extends" bundles are able to connect to the available connection pools by means of the SDK Client.

This function is used to define the pools published for the solution. It is used to define the connection pools of the “Safe X3 Java Bridge Server” component in relation to a folder.

SEEINFO The connection pools are not necessarily linked to SDATA.For optimization reasons, it is recommended to set the login integration user used by the SalesLogix application as the connection pool.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen

Specific Buttons


When executing the Validationbutton, an XML file is generated (adxpoolconfig_SOLUTION.xml) in the X3_ROOT/GEN/ directory of the solution, on the X3 application server. If a Bridge server is linked to the solution (i.e. the solution.xml file contains its description), this Bridge server will be contacted by means of a "funciu" call to trigger the pool update.

If several Bridge servers are linked to a solution, only the server whose description appears first will be contacted upon screen validation. In this case, a manual update is possible via the "updatePools" OSGI command of the Bridge server concerned or via the Refresh button of the web interface.


This button is used to view the setup file present on disk and created by the validation function.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation