This function is used to create counters in the ITMCPTVER table in order to manage the evolutions of major and/or minor versions.

A counter is composed of at least a sequence number (the box is automatically selected), which can be preceded by a constant.
The maximum length of the counter is 10 characters.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


Tab Parameter definition

SEEINFO The counters can be defined as major and/or minor version.

Incrementing a minor version only triggers a change in the minor version value.

Incrementing a major version triggers the change in this version, but it also triggers the initialization of the minor version to the first possible value of the corresponding counter.

Specific Buttons


Once a counter is defined, the [Simulation] button is used to test the functioning of the different fields entered.
The script is executed in the same way as with actual conditions. However, no response is stored in simulation mode.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation