Grid management
Grid definition
According to the terminology used for softwares developed in adonix technology, a grid is a entry space composed of several lines and columns in which the user can enter multiple information.
A grid has the size of a screen block and is displayed as follows:
It is made up of:
- a title line
- a column with consecutive numbers:

From the development's perspective, a grid is a set of variables with occurrences; a variable (called 'grid variable') is used to know the number of valid lines in the grid. Its name corresponds to the name of the current field when the whilst the cursor is in the grid -but during the entry of a field.
Entry in a grid
It is possible to set the cursor in a grid through different means:
- by clicking once in one of the grid cells that has already been entered or in the last line if the user wants to add lines (note: the last line holds a number although it is empty). This is called taking the 'focus' on the grid; the is used to switch to entry mode.
- by double-clicking in a cell (the interface automatically switches to entry mode for a grid cell).
- by validating using the the entry in the previous grid zone.
In any case, the interface switches to entry mode on the first cell that can be entered (note: this is not necessarily the first cell nor the cell on which the user has clicked).
The use and function of the keys can vary if the user has taken the 'focus' on one line or if the interface is in entry mode for one of the grid cells.
In focus mode
For a grid in focus mode, these following keys can used to:
- used to go to the section's next section.
- it is possible to select several lines by selecting all these lines and maintaining the mouse's left button down or by moving one line to the next one with the activated. These lines are displayed in reverse contrast:

- When combined, the following keys: and the right-click option Delete line are used to delete the current line or, if applicable, all the lines that are selected.
- The and the right click option Insert line are used to insert a line at the current position (the line on which the cursor pointed is moved down). The line's first column can now be entered.
- (or Escape, depending on keyboards) is used to restore the previous value of the current line and to exit the entry mode whilst keeping the focus on the line. This key can also be used at the beginning of an empty line when the user does not want to enter any additional line. Moreover, it can be used to abort the insertion of a line.
- The 4 arrows can be used to move the focus onto all the grid cells; the can be used to place the cursor at the end of a line whereas the Start key can be used to place the cursor to the beginning of the line (on the fist cell that can be entered); if the user uses these keys combined with the , they can be used to place the cursor at the very beginning (first line) or at the very end (last line, last column) of the grid.
It is important to note that the insertion or the delete of a line can be forbidden on a grid, depending on functional criteria (in that case, the keys will not work)
In entry mode
For a grid in entry mode, these following keys can used to:
- used to go to the grid next field.
- used to go to the previous value
- used to validate the rest of the current line and to exit the entry mode whilst keeping the 'focus' on that line.
- (or Escape, depending on keyboards) is used to restore the previous value of the current line and to exit the entry mode whilst keeping the focus on the line. This key can also be used at the beginning of an empty line when the user does not want to enter any additional line.
- used to validate the current cell and go to the next line's similar cell (if all the cells in between have valid values).
- used to validate the current cell and go to the previous line's similar cell (if all cells in between have valid values).
Specific functions
Enlargerment of the section and scrolling information
- The screen section's size in which the grid is displayed can, if needed, be enlarged.
This functionality is activated:
- In client server mode: by clicking on the icon.
- In web mode, by clicking on the upper right corner of the section.
The section' size is then maximized and occupies all the space available. The left list and the buttons at the bottom of the screen are not displayed anymore.
In client server mode, it is also possible to enlarge the block's size whilst still displaying the left list and the buttons at the bottom of the screen. To achieve this, click on the iconwhile pressing the In order to scale down the section up to its original size, click on the icon
./TBL_MGT_12.jpg<IMG src="./TBL_MGT_12.jpg" alt=" in server client mode, or again on the upper right corner of the section in Web mode.<BR/></LI></UL><UL><LI>When a grid has too many columns to be displayed on the screen, an horizontal scroll bar is displayed at the bottom of the grid. It is then important to use the cursor and click on the scroll arrows in order to visualize the information that cannot be displayed. <BR/>It is possible to lock the scrolling of one or several columns on the left of the screen in order to freeze their display when the user scrolls through the following columns is done.<BR/><BR/>This lock is defined as a fixed lock (in the screen's grid section) or in the setup screens (for instance, transactions, according to the different functioning modules and the <A href="../FCT/GESGTC.htm">inquiries</A>).</LI></UL><UL><LI>The same way, when a grid has too many lines to be displayed on the screen, an vertical scroll bar is displayed on the right side of the grid.</LI></UL> </p> <a id="MIS_40_30"></a> <h3 class="g1">Line change and partial display</h3> <P>The Adonix technology software load in memory all the grid lines. Should heavy documents be loaded, the user should set the size of the memory dedicated to a work station accordingly. <BR/>Nevertheless, for optimization purposes, it is possible to limit the loading of grid to a limited number of lines as long as the user is not in inquiry mode via the <A href="../OBJ/ADP_ADX_ADXLIG.htm"><FONT color="#0000ff">ADXLIG</FONT></A> user parameter. This way, it is possible to visualize rapidly a range of records that contain heavy grids and the system does not slow down.<BR/>When the grid is not totally filled, the icon <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_13.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_13.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_13.jpg"/> in client server mode or the icon <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_14.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_14.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_14.jpg"/> in web mode is displayed in the first cell at the upper left corner of the grid. The complete loading of the grid can be obtained by using a simple right click on this icon, by switching to the entry mode or by moving the vertical scrollbar.</P> <a id="MIS_40_40"></a> <h3 class="g1">Sort columns</h3> <P>The grid lines can be sorted by simply right clicking in the column's header (descending order / ascending order if the user clicks again). A pictogram is then applied on the column which lines have been sorted. This is this pictogram <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_03.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_03.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_03.jpg"/> when the lines are sorted in descending order. It is reversed when the sort is done in ascending order</P><P>When the grid is sorted:</P><UL><LI>The upper left cell has the following pictogram: <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_02.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_02.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_02.jpg"/>.<BR/>The sort can be cancelled by clicking. The lines are then sorted by sequential number.</LI><LI>The focus can be set on one of the cell simply by clicking. If the user switches to entry mode on the cell (with a double click, an entry or the<INPUT type="button" value="F2 key"/>), the grid is sorted again automatically according to the lines' numbers because the entry in a grid always follows an order. On the contrary, the cursor remains on the line number on which it was placed after the sort.</LI></UL> <a id="MIS_40_50"></a> <h3 class="g1">Record mode</h3> <P>This mode can be accessed when the user uses the focus on a grid lien via the right click and only in client server mode. It can be used to visualize and enter each line as a record as the following:</P><P><IMG src="./TBL_MGT_07.gif" alt="./TBL_MGT_07.gif" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_07.gif"/></P><P>The two first icons located at the top of the screen can be used to insert a line or delete the current line; the radio buttons can be used to change line. The fields are entered in record mode just as they were entered in the grid.</P><P>It should be noted that it is possible to open the record mode by default when entering the grid.</P> <a id="MIS_40_60"></a> <h3 class="g1">Graphic display</h3> <P>In a grid, it is possible to represent the value of a given column in a graphic, provided at least this one column is numeric. <BR/>This presentation is used a lot is the inquiry screens.<BR/>The display of the presentation can be settled or not; it can be display along with the grid (on the right, on the left, above, under), or alternately in the same place as the grid.<BR/>When the grid and the graph are displayed alternately, it is necessary to click on the following icon to switch from one mode to the other: <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_01.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_01.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_01.jpg"/> in client server mode, or <IMG src="./TBL_MGT_10.jpg" alt="./TBL_MGT_10.jpg" KEEPS="true" realloc="./TBL_MGT_10.jpg"/> in web mode. It is located on the upper left corner of the grid. </P><P>For more information on the use of graphic dynamics, please refer to: <A href="../FCT/GRAPH_REP.htm"><FONT color="#0000ff">Graphic representation</FONT></A>.</P> <a id="MIS_40_70"></a> <h3 class="g1">Search</h3> <P>This function can be accessed via right click on the column or via the following keys combined <INPUT type="button" value="Ctrl"/> <INPUT type="button" value="F"/>.</P><P>It is used to open window in order to enter the text to search for and there is the possibility to specify the search direction (up or down) and indicate if it is a entire word and if the search should be case sensitive.<BR/></P><P>The search is carried out in all the columns, starting from the current cell, from left to right then up > down and down > up according to the direction indicated. <BR/>The focus is placed on the first column that contains the text that has been searched for. It is then possible to look for the next occurrence via the <INPUT type="button" value="F3 key"/>and for the previous occurrence via the <INPUT type="button" value="Uppercase"/> <INPUT type="button" value="F3 key"/>.</P> <a id="MIS_40_80"></a> <h3 class="g1">Excel export</h3> <P>This function can be accessed by right click on the column.</P><P>It is used to open an entry window which suggests to enter a title, a tab name and is used to launch<INPUT type="button" value="the export"/> via a button.</P><P>If it is done, an Excel file is generated with the following default characteristics: </P><UL><LI>all columns and lines of the grid are displayed.</LI><LI>the grid is prefixed by an header which contains automatic filters.</LI><LI>all numerical columns have a total at the bottom of the grid.</LI></UL><P>It is also possible to change the characteristics of the Excel file, via the following key: <INPUT type="button" value="Advanced"/>. A window with four tabs is then displayed. It can be used to modify the default characteristics of the Excel file. The <INPUT type="button" value="Memo"/>button is used to save corresponding setups by giving a name to the memo and the <INPUT type="button" value="Recall"/>button is used to call back a memo by indication its name. The memo called <B><I>STD</I></B>, if it exists, is loaded by default when the Excel export function is launched.</P><P>The information entered is as follows :</P> <a id="MIS_40_82"></a> <h5 class="g1"><u>Tab Parameters</u></h5> <div class="bfields"> <MadCap:dropDown> <MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownHotspot>Field descriptions</MadCap:dropDownHotspot> </MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownBody> <div id=mis_40_82 class="dfields"> <h4 class="bloctitle"> <p><b>Block number 1</b></p> </h4> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Export column titles (field COLTIT)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Create column filter (field FILCOL)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Create totals line (field LIGCUM)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Export time stamps (field COMFOOT)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Line colors (field ALTERNAT)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class="bloctitle"> <p><b>Block number 2</b></p> </h4> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Pivot table (field TABDYN)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Design (field DESIGN)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class="bloctitle"> <p><b>Block number 3</b></p> </h4> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field IMAG</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </MadCap:dropDownBody> </MadCap:dropDown> </div> <P>This tab is used to define global options of the created grid (totals, filters, colors) and to specify if the grid will be a simple or pivot table. In that case, the user can chose predefined styles by entering a local menu. The preview of the style is displayed next to it.</P> <a id="MIS_40_84"></a> <h5 class="g1"><u>Color tab</u></h5> <div class="bfields"> <MadCap:dropDown> <MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownHotspot>Field descriptions</MadCap:dropDownHotspot> </MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownBody> <div id=mis_40_84 class="dfields"> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Title style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYTIT</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISTIT</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Header title style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYINTH</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISINTH</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Header value style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYVALH</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISVALH</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Column title style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYCOL</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISCOL</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Line 1 style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYALT</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISALT</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Line 2 style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYALT1</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISALT1</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Totals style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYCUM</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISCUM</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Footnote style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYFOOT</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>field VISFOOT</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </MadCap:dropDownBody> </MadCap:dropDown> </div> <P>In that tab, there are <A href="../FCT/GESASY.htm">styles</A> used to display various data which appear in the Excel file created by the export.</P><P>These styles are used to descript the font and size of characters, as well as their color and the background color for cells.</P> <a id="MIS_40_86"></a> <h5 class="g1"><u>Grid tab</u></h5> <div class="bfields"> <MadCap:dropDown> <MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownHotspot>Field descriptions</MadCap:dropDownHotspot> </MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownBody> <div id=mis_40_86 class="dfields"> <h4 class="bloctitle"> <p><b><a href="../FCT/TBL_MGT.htm">Grid</a><i> Fields</i></b></p> </h4> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>To export (field ASELCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Order (field ORDCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Field (field DESIGCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Pivot type (field DYNCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Total (field CUMCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Code (field NAMCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Conditional style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYLCONCH</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Condition (field CONCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Style (<a href="./GESASY.htm">field STYLCH</a>)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Formula (field FORMULCH)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </MadCap:dropDownBody> </MadCap:dropDown> </div> <P>In that tab, there is the list of grid fields. The display and the type of display of these fields can be specified via a range of attributes.</P> <a id="MIS_40_88"></a> <h5 class="g1"><u>Introduction tab</u></h5> <div class="bfields"> <MadCap:dropDown> <MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownHotspot>Field descriptions</MadCap:dropDownHotspot> </MadCap:dropDownHead> <MadCap:dropDownBody> <div id=mis_40_88 class="dfields"> <h4 class="bloctitle"> <p><b><a href="../FCT/TBL_MGT.htm">Grid</a><i> Comments</i></b></p> </h4> <table class="TableStyle-NormalRows" xmlns="" style="mc-table-style: url('../../Resources/TableStyles/NormalRows.css');" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>To export (field ASEL)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Field (field DESIG)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Code (field NAM)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body2"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body2"> <b>Expression (field EXPG)</b> </td> </tr> <tr class="TableStyle-NormalRows-Body-Body1"> <td class="TableStyle-NormalRows-BodyD-Column1-Body1"> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </MadCap:dropDownBody> </MadCap:dropDown> </div> <P>This tab is used to define "introduction" fields that will be exported before the grid and that are used to recall a context in the Excel tab. These fields come from the header screen (if there are any), list sections of the same tab as the one where the grid is exported. No field is selected by default.</P> <a id="MIS_40_90"></a> <h4 class="g1">Technical annex</h4> <P>During the Excel export; the process opens the masks called AEXP1, AEXP2, AEXP4, and AEXP5 with the following abbreviations AEY1, AEY2, AEY4 and AEY5. Then, it initializes values in masks by considering by default:</P><UL><LI>styles using the header are AEXPEXCTIT, AEXPEXCTIT, AEXPEXCHCO, AEXPEXCHVA, AEXPEXCTCO, AEXPEXC1, AEXPEXC2, AEXPEXCUM, AEXPEXCFOO<BR/><BR/>If these styles do not exist, they are created automatically with the following default values:</LI><UL><LI>AEXPEXCTIT<I> </I>: font-size:15pt;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;background-color:#008000</LI><LI>AEXPEXCHCO : font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;background-color:#008000</LI><LI>AEXPEXCHVA: font-style:normal;background-color:#80FF80</LI><LI>AEXPEXCTCO : font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;background-color:#008040</LI><LI>AEXPEXC1 : font-style:normal;background-color:#FEFB81</LI><LI>AEXPEXC2 : font-style:normal;background-color:#C8FA85</LI><LI>AEXPEXCUM : font-size:11pt;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;background-color:#008040</LI><LI>AEXPEXCFOO : STYRES=";font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;background-color:#C7E39B<BR/></LI></UL><LI>the title given at the top of the Excel file is the name of the window from which the export has been launched.<BR/></LI><LI>all fields from the grid are displayed by default<BR/></LI><LI>all numerical fields result in a total.</LI></UL><P>Three entry points are defined in order to chose, by programmation, option more suited for particular grid data or to control the export execution. These entry points are called successively in the standard program of the current function in the vertical program (if it exist) and in the specific program (if it exists). The three entry points defined correspond to the following values of ACTION variable: </P><UL><LI>"EXCINI" : in the export window initialization. The following variable can be used: <UL><LI>BOIT : name of the window which has triggered the export </LI><LI>MASK1 : name of the mask that has triggered the export </LI><LI>ABRMASK1 : mask abbreviation </LI><LI>NBASPAG : name of the field that has the focus when the export is launched </LI></UL></LI></UL><BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><P>It is possible to overload these values in the entry point, knowing that if the export program does not confirm that the NBASPAG field belongs to a grid, it will not be performed. </P></BLOCKQUOTE><UL><LI>"EXCPAR" : at the end of screen filling, setup creens from the context (window, mask, grid to export). It is possible to modify the setup of this entry point. The content of AEY* masks can thus be modified and be taken into account at export launch.</LI><LI>"EXCLIG" : before the processing of each line to export. NOLIGT contains the number of the current line (0 à n-1). In return,</LI><UL><LI>If FINT=1, the current line is skipped </LI><LI>If FINT=2, the use exits the line process loop</LI></UL></UL><P>According to the context, the Excel export characteristics can thus be filled dynamically. The user can also use, of course, the reload of a memo on these setups, in a more static way. As usage will have it, the STD memo is automatically loaded if it exists.</P> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>