Data types Module Common Data
- BAN (Bank accounts)
- BANESS (Bank accounts)
- BCC (Budget dimension)
- BCG (Customer categories)
- BCN (Budget account)
- BDO (Waste DB no.)
- BOL (Bill of lading)
- BPC (Customer number)
- BPD (Ship-to)
- BPF (Owner)
- BPN (BP number)
- BPR (BP number)
- BPS (Supplier number)
- BPT (Carrier number)
- BSG (Supplier categories)
- BUP (Budget code)
- CAB (Simple calculation tables)
- CAC (Accounting codes)
- CAD (Address line (long))
- CAEC (CAE code)
- CAI (Petty cash)
- CAT (EDI category)
- CC1 (Analytical dimension)
- CC2 (Analytical dimension)
- CC3 (Analytical dimension)
- CC4 (Analytical dimension)
- CC5 (Analytical dimension)
- CC6 (Analytical dimension)
- CC7 (Analytical dimension)
- CC8 (Analytical dimension)
- CC9 (Analytical dimension)
- CCC (Competitor products)
- CCE (Analytical dimension)
- CCMACT (Actions)
- CCMAUS (User)
- CCMAUSAP (Approvers)
- CCMAUSCM (Change managers)
- CCMAUSPL (Planners)
- CCMCRIA (Impact analysis)
- CCMCRID (Change request ID)
- CCMECS (Major version statuses)
- CCMEVL (Minor versions)
- CCMPLAN (Change request - Plan)
- CCR (Sales rep commission coeff)
- CCS (Entertainment fund certificate)
- CCV (Collective agreement classification)
- CDA (Payment attributes)
- CDE (Default dimensions)
- CDT (Dimension types)
- CFG (Configurator scenario)
- CFM (Standard processes)
- CFY (Site or group of sites)
- CGD (Grading guides)
- CLA (Account classification)
- CLC (Chrono clob)
- CLE (Text clob (screen))
- CLS (Product category)
- CLT (Type clob)
- CLX (Text clob (table))
- CMG (Marketing campaigns)
- CMT (Time comment)
- CNA (Analytical nature)
- COA (Chart of accounts)
- COE2 (Coefficient >1)
- CON (Service contract)
- COR (Outlook contact )
- COT (Service contract template)
- COV (Coverage)
- CPC (Skill)
- CPYAD (Company address lines)
- CPYESS (Company)
- CQU (Configurator question)
- CRYC (Country code)
- CSE (Configurator selection)
- CSVATMAP (Online submission mapping)
- CTA (Project task category)
- CTC (Alphanumeric response code)
- CTD (Numeric response code)
- CTN (Containers)
- CTR (Identifier 2)
- CUCA (Cars / fuel benefits)
- CURESS (Currency)
- CYM (Dimension pyramids)
- CYR (Dimension groups)
- D4 (Date with 4 number year)
- D40 (Long description)
- DAD (Dimension allocations)
- DCO (Long description)
- DCT (Long description)
- DDB (Start date)
- DDF (End date)
- DEP (Warehouse)
- DIC (Employee field)
- DIE (Dimension types)
- DIH (Time table schemas)
- DMWPPNUM (Internal reference)
- DMWPPVER (Version)
- DMWSC (Waste disposal scheme)
- DOC (Manual document)
- DSP (Analytical allocations)
- DTP (Budget weighting codes)
- DTR (Contract date)
- DVT (Voting rights)
- ECS (Major version statuses)
- EDC (Code)
- EDR (Version)
- EFC (Code)
- EFN (Function code)
- EFR (Version)
- EINVNOT (Invoice notes)
- EINVXSD (XSD files)
- EML (Employee ID)
- EMP (Location)
- EPH (Path)
- EPN (Employee number)
- EPR (EDI partners)
- ESH (Representation)
- ESH1 (Representation)
- EVA (Field)
- EVB (Alias)
- EVL (Minor versions)
- EXD (XSD files)
- EXO (Exemptions)
- EYEAR (Year)
- FCA (Fixed asset categories)
- FCC (Freight commodity code)
- FCS (Costs)
- FCT (Factor)
- FDS (Funds)
- FEL (List of EDI values )
- FJH (Business process)
- FLY (Warranty voucher)
- FNA (First name)
- FOC (Formula code)
- FOG (Memos)
- FRM (Remittances)
- FRT (Freight class)
- GAC (General accounts)
- GAF (Recurring entry)
- GAN (General accounts)
- GAS (Accounting entries )
- GAU (Automatic journals)
- GCM (Account core model)
- GCO (Accounting code transaction)
- GCU (Currency group)
- GDA (Account structure)
- GDE (Journal structure)
- GDS (Open item screens)
- GFSATT (Attribute)
- GFSATTV (Attribute value)
- GFSOPT (Optimization code)
- GOM (Google Maps)
- GRA (Automatic journal groups)
- GRY (Account groups)
- GSC (Control groups)
- GSP (Distribution groups)
- GSTGRP (GST group)
- GSTGRPN (GST group)
- GTE (Document types)
- GTR ()
- GYM (Account pyramids)
- HD1 (Service request text file)
- HD2 (Action text file)
- HD3 (Solution text file)
- HD4 (Commerl report text file)
- HD5 (Marketing text file)
- HD6 (CRM mini text files)
- HD9 (Text history)
- HMD (Time)
- HMM (Time hh:mm)
- HRBAN (Bank accounts)
- HRCAN (Action category)
- HRCGD (Reason)
- HRCLC (Clause code)
- HRCLV (Collective agreement)
- HRCSP (Socio-professional category)
- HRCTR (Employment contract)
- HREQGOA (Equity numerical goals)
- HREXT (Extract template)
- HRHAB (Habilitation code)
- HRLIC (Permits and authorizations)
- HRLST (Leave sub type)
- HRMDP (Ability)
- HRMDT (Visit type)
- HRNCT (Nature of contract)
- HROCP (Profession code)
- HRPFL (Professional cat.)
- HRPIH (Individual hazard. cond. record)
- HRRPL (Replacement reason)
- HRSIC (SIC code)
- HRSIT (Site)
- HRSOFO1 (OFO code)
- HRSSS (Social security setup)
- HRSUS (System)
- HRTCC (Trade classification)
- HRXGD (Disposal reason)
- HSH (SHI sheet record)
- ICT (Incoterms)
- ICV (Version counter)
- ICVVAL (Version value)
- IDB (Identifier)
- INDREF (Indirect references)
- INO (Customs reference)
- INVCND (Invoicing terms)
- ISEQ (Sequence in collections)
- ISORT (Sort in collections)
- ITF (Product-site)
- ITG (Product category)
- ITM (Product reference)
- ITN (Service response)
- ITS (Sales product)
- ITU (Customer product)
- ITV (Sales product)
- JOB (Job code)
- JOT (Standard jobs)
- JOU (Journal codes)
- LED (Ledger)
- LOC (Location)
- LOO (Lot)
- LOS (Lot)
- LOT (Lot)
- LTI (Lead time )
- MAC (Installed base)
- MAPCOD (Mapping code)
- MAPNAM (Mapping ID)
- MAT (Tolerance)
- MATESS (Employee ID)
- MC1 (Amounts in currency)
- MC2 (Amounts in currency)
- MC3 (Amounts in currency)
- MC4 (Amounts in currency)
- MC5 (Amounts in currency)
- MD6 (Unit price)
- MD7 (Average price)
- MD8 (Price in currency)
- MDD3 (Amount in currency (0 visible))
- MDL (Delivery mode)
- MDT (Mandates)
- MEA (Monthly employer certificate)
- MEW (Occupational health)
- MFG (Work order )
- MGL (Enterprise planning)
- MGTW (Waste management)
- MIGX (Migration ref. no.)
- MIGXTBLM (Migration table map ref)
- MIS (Role)
- MS1 (Amount (site))
- MS2 (Short amount)
- MS3 (Currency amt without separator)
- MS4 (Special amount in currencies)
- MS5 (Price (decimal GDECPRI))
- MS6 (Price (decimal GDECPRI))
- MST (Market sectors)
- MTD (Work plan transaction)
- MTO (MTO network)
- N3 (Numeric LASER print)
- NAC (Full name)
- NAT (Planning date)
- NCSID (Non-conformance ID)
- NDY (Number of days/hours)
- NIC (NI category)
- NICD (NI category)
- NIN (NI number)
- NIV (Skill level)
- NTG (Note category)
- NVG (Navigation code)
- ONA (Overhead category)
- OPE (Operation number)
- OPP (Project)
- ORF (Training organizations)
- ORG (Organizations)
- ORIC (Transaction source)
- OVE (Overhead codes)
- PAL (Stock identifier 1 management )
- PAUS (User)
- PAY (Payments)
- PBDBPG (Economic reason/BP groups)
- PBDECO (Economic reason code)
- PBL (Problem group)
- PBU (Project budget)
- PCB (Site)
- PCD (Payment attributes)
- PCK (Packaging)
- PCN (Package no.)
- PDB (Points debit)
- PFI (Invoicing elements)
- PGT (Document types)
- PIH (Entry number )
- PIM (Project allocation line)
- PIMQRY (Project allocation line)
- PIPWD (People integration)
- PIT (Pivot)
- PJCC (Cost type)
- PJMQRY (Project)
- PJO (Journal codes)
- PJQ (Financial overview queries)
- PJS (Financial overview structure)
- PJT (Project)
- PJTC (Time category)
- PJTSI (Project scheduled invoice)
- PLANACT (Actions)
- PLANID (Non-conformance plan)
- PLI (Price list code)
- PLM (PLM product references)
- PLN (Planning)
- PNH (Return number)
- PO2 (Postal code)
- POC (Contract number)
- POH (Order number)
- POO (Banking pool)
- POP (Employee populations)
- POT (Position)
- PPC (Supplier price list code)
- PPR (Purchase price reasons)
- PPU (Purchase unit price criteria)
- PPX (Purchase price criteria)
- PQH (RFQ number)
- PREPI (Prepayment invoice)
- PRF (Employee profile)
- PRS (Price structure)
- PRV (Service supplier)
- PSH (PR number)
- PSO (Project document list)
- PTC (Protocol)
- PTE (Payment term)
- PTE2 (Payment term)
- PTH (Receipt number)
- PTO (Assignment rules)
- PTP (Payment transaction)
- PTR (Purchase entry transactions)
- PTX (Purchase entry transactions)
- PYL (Entry batch)
- QLC (Technical sheet)
- QLT (Technical sheet)
- QSS (Script question)
- QST (Question)
- QT1 (Quantities)
- QT2 (Quantities)
- QT3 (Quantities)
- QT4 (Quantities)
- QT5 (Quantities)
- QTY2 (Quantity including zero)
- QUE (Queue)
- RAT (Rate)
- REF (Reference)
- REGLIC (Registration)
- REL (Statement creation)
- REM (Discount)
- REO (Reorder plan list number)
- REP (Sales rep no.)
- RFI (Invoice element rate)
- RND (Rounding code)
- ROH (Routings - header)
- ROT (Standard operation)
- RPO (Reorder policy)
- RQW (Warranty requests)
- RRB (CODA headings)
- RRS (Resource reservation)
- RSE (Resources)
- RSS (Resources)
- RSY (Safety risk sentences)
- RTZ (Withholding code)
- SAC (Control)
- SBX (Location/booth configuration)
- SCA (Level scale)
- SCANIV (Skill level)
- SCO (Subcontract order)
- SCP (Call script)
- SDD (SDD management)
- SDH (Delivery)
- SE1 (Long serial number)
- SEB (Payment gateway customer data)
- SEP (Processing code)
- SER (Serial number)
- SES (Trend profile)
- SFI (Invoicing elements)
- SFTMA (Employee ID)
- SHFT (Shift code)
- SHIP (Shipment number)
- SIF (Price increase code)
- SIH (Invoices)
- SLO (Sublot)
- SMH (Employee screens)
- SMI (Integrale part number)
- SNP (Financial snapshots)
- SNPD (Financial snapshot detail)
- SOH (Orders)
- SOL (Solution)
- SOR (Open orders)
- SPC (Customer price list code)
- SPP (Sales price catalog)
- SPR (Sales price list reasons)
- SPU (Sales unit price criteria)
- SPX (Sales price criteria)
- SQH (Quotes)
- SRE (Service request)
- SRG (Storage list number)
- SRH (Returns)
- SRV (Department)
- SSE (Social Security)
- SSE2 (Social Security)
- SSP (Selection supports)
- STA (Stock status)
- STC (Customer statistical group)
- STI (Product statistical group)
- STQ (Analysis number)
- STS (Supplier statistical group)
- STX (Weighing location)
- STY (Reference week)
- SWIBIC (Invoices)
- SYM (Configurator symbol)
- TAC (Project task)
- TAD (Daylight saving time)
- TAM (Payment method)
- TAM2 (Payment method)
- TAU (Safe X3 WAS users)
- TBG (BOM codes)
- TBO (BOM codes)
- TBU (Budget transactions)
- TCM (Valuation method)
- TCT (Response table)
- TCTR (Container)
- TCY (Alphanumeric type)
- TDA (Early discount/Late charge)
- TEC (Transaction nature)
- TED (Payment report code)
- TELTC (Telephone)
- TEM (Location types)
- TFB (Bank file definitions)
- TGL (Targets)
- TGP (Presentation support)
- TIC (Cumulated time)
- TIH (Time in hours)
- TIM (Time in minutes)
- TIMRPT (Time entry report)
- TIT (WAS item)
- TLO (Location types)
- TLP (Product lines)
- TMA (Employee ID)
- TPC (Location type)
- TPM (Print templates)
- TPN (Purchase return type)
- TPS (Time code)
- TPSESS (Time code)
- TPV (Purchase invoice types)
- TPVB (Purchase invoice types)
- TPY (Payment transactions)
- TRACKT (Logistical tracking template)
- TRO (Routing codes)
- TRS (Entry transactions)
- TRU (Allocation rules)
- TSA (Service level safety stock)
- TSC (Statistical rule)
- TSD (Sales delivery type)
- TSG (Stock change type)
- TSO (Sales order type)
- TSO2 (Sales order type)
- TSQ (Quote type)
- TSQ2 (Quote type)
- TST (Stock statuses)
- TSV (Sales invoice type)
- TTN (Transport note type)
- TTR (Change to daylight saving time)
- TUL ()
- TVB (BP tax rule)
- TVBW (Tax rules)
- TVI (Tax level)
- TVTW (Taxes)
- TWD (Weekly structure)
- TXC (Access path to text file)
- TXS (Financial data extraction)
- TXV (Fin. data extraction version )
- TYC (Communication types)
- TZI (Time zones)
- UCY (City)
- UGD (User guides)
- UNNBR (UN number)
- UNQ (Unique number)
- UVY (Unavailable periods)
- VAC (Work-related accident)
- VAT (Tax)
- VATGRP (VAT entity)
- VCS (VCS number)
- VL0 (Variable value)
- VOL (Volume)
- VPJ (Long product number)
- VPJBIG (Long product number)
- WCR (Work center group)
- WCT (Costing dimension)
- WEI (Weight)
- WRH (Warehouse)
- WST (Work center)