Table Abbreviation Description Module Activity code
FUPGRP FGP Reminder groups A/P-A/R accounting FUP

Key Description Duplicates Activity code

Column Normal title Dim. Type Length Menu Link expression Cancellation Act
AUUID Single identifier   AUUID          
CREDAT Date created   D          
CREDATTIM Date time   ADATIM          
CREUSR Creation user   A 5        
DESTRA Description   AX3          
FUPBALTRS Balance in transaction currency   M 4 1      
FUPCDT Taking into acc. of credit   M 4 1      
FUPCRG Reminder charge 5 MD1          
FUPCTL Threshold/open item ctrl   M 4 1      
FUPCUR Reminder/trans. curr.   M 4 1      
FUPFCY Reminder by site   M 4 1      
FUPFRY Reminder frequency   M 15 3678      
FUPINTERVAL Reminder interval 5 C 4        
FUPMAX Max. reminder level   C 1        
FUPMINAMT Minimum reminder   MD1          
FUPMOD Reminder method   M 15 2629      
FUPTYP Reminder type   M 15 235      
GRP Code   FGP     [FGP]FGP0=[FGP]GRP Delete  
GRPNAM Group   A 35        
GRPSHO Short description   SHO          
NBRCOP Number of copies   C 4        
SEUILS Reminder threshold 5 C 4        
SHOTRA Short description   AX1          
UPDDAT Change date   D          
UPDDATTIM Date time   ADATIM          
UPDUSR Change user   A 5