This action is called after the display of the window.
Window entry
It serves
to pre-load the [M] class of the screen with the default values. An Affzo will then be necessary to refresh the screen.
to grey-out or un-grey-out the fields in the screen using the instructions : Grizo, Diszo, Actzo
to display a message by assigning a text to the variable GMESSAGE and choosing the message type by GERR =1,2 or 3.
to interrupt the process by setting FIN = 1.
It also serves to recover the name of the left lists, in order to avoid as a result the testing of the current left list with a fixed name. The naming of these left lists is as follows :
GAU_CHEn ( n = 1 to10 as a function of the placement in the browser grid )
a deactivated list by activity code is not the identifier and does not take the number.
Example :
# Recovery of the names of the currbox for the left lists
Global Char GBOXSTO(10)
GBOXSTO = "GAU_CHE"+num$(find("STO",OBJLIS(1..10)))