
This action is called after the entry of the parameters.




It is used to force the value of certain parameters.

The parameters are stored in the variable PARAMETRE with the indexes 1 to NBPAR. Each value is a string in the form of "parameter=value" without any other separator. The report parameters are split into 4 classes :

Those that start with a double underscore. These are the parameters for the destination X3, they are not transmitted to the report (or at least not as they are)

Those that start with a single underscore. These are the parameters with the destination Crystal Reports, they are not transmitted to the report. The values of these parameters are necessarily prefixed by chr$(1).

Those that start with X3. These are the context parameters transmitted to the report and automatically initialised by the supervisor.

Those that are described in the report dictionary. When the dictionary contains a parameter ending with "deb" or "str" another parameter with the same route ending with "fin" or "end" is automatically added.

The name of the print server is not a parameters. It is defined in the local variable SERVER (char(30)).

Parameter list:

__REPORT                         Name of the Crystal Reports report

__DESTINATION                 0=preview, 1=printer, 2=email, 3=file

__TYPDBA                           Database type (menu local 23)

__DBDATABASE                Database name

__DBUSER                          DB user

__DBPASSWORD             Password

__APPLICATION                 Folder ;machine ;service (from where the print is launched)

__APPRPT                         Folder ;machine ;service (where the report is found)

__REQUETE                       Request number

__WSTATION                      Network name for the workstation which submitted the print

__CDUSER                         Login user

__RPTLAN                           Report language

_PreVisuOptions                 Preview options (non operational)

_PrinterName                       Name of the printer

_Orientation                          0=portrait, 1=landscape

_PrinterDriver (*)                  Printer driver name

_PrinterPort (*)                     Printer port

_PrinterDescription (*)        Printer characteristics

_PrinterServer (*)                Name of the print server

_PrinterCopies                    Number of copies

_PrinterStartPage               First page

_PrinterStopPage               Last page

_ExportFile                          Name of the export file

_FormatExport                     Format of the export file (local menu 91)

_FormatDelString                String deliminator if format "Value separated by a character"

_FormatDelRecord              Field separator if format "Value separated by a character"

(*)                   These parameters depend on the printer and cannot be described. They are normally recovered by the selimp instruction (make an attempt on a given printer and note the values of these parameters).

X3DOS                                 Folder ;machine ;service

X3CLI                                    Customer name

X3EDT                                  Copyright editor

X3ETA                                  Report code

X3TIT                                    Name of the report

X3USR                                  User code

X3OPE                                 User name

X3SIT1                                 List of the authorised sites

X3SIT2                                 List of the prohibited sites

X3PRF                                Function profile

X3FCT                                 Function associated with the report

X3SIT                                   List of the prohibited sites

X3LAN                                  Language

X3FCY                                 Site (only for GEODE)

X3DEP                                 Depositor (only for GEODE)


If the user wants to force the traitauto parameter to the value 1.

For I = 1 To NBPAR
     If left$(PARAMETRE(I),10)="traitauto="
        PARAMETRE(I) = "traitauto="+num$(1)
Next I