Process CNSSECSTD: Dimensions
CONTROL: Restriction on the display of documents
This entry point is used to take control at the time of displaying and accounting document in the dimensions inquiry process (CNSSEC function).
The OK variable set to 0 is used to omit the document to be displayed.
Context and operating method
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.
Available screen and file classes
- The CONSSEC1 mask (criteria header) and the CRITSEC mask (all the criteria using the "Criteria" button) is used to have a list of the defined criteria to consult the accounting documents.
These masks are open and loaded.
- The variable OK set to 1 on entering the entry point is evaluated on exiting the entry point.
If OK=0, the accounting document will not be displayed in the grid.
Variable or mask |
Definition |
Criteria header masks |
CONSSEC2 [SEC2] | Display grid |
Detailed criteria entry mask |
Integer OK | Variable tested on return from the entry point |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (...).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
Accounting documents |
YES | Accounting documents lines |
GACCENTRYA | YES | Accounting analytical lines |
NO | Site |
COMPANY | YES | Company |
FACGROUP | NO | Site grouping |
FISCALYEAR | NO | Accouting financial |
PERIOD | NO | Periods |
TABCUR | NO | Currency tables |
CACCE | YES | Analytical dimensions tables |
GACCOUNT | NO | General ledger accounts |
BALANA | NO | Analytic balance |