DELETTRAGE: before the entry unmatching processing

The DELETTRAGE entry point is used to take control right before the entry unmatching processing.

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called right before the entry unmatching processing.

There is one transaction in progress.
Depending on the cases, a log file may be open.

Available variables and masks

The GACCENTRYD [DAE] table is open and contains the current entry.

BEFUNMATCH: before the unmatching of a group of entries

The BEFUNMATCH entry point is used to take control right before a group of entries is processed in order to avoid running the standard unmatching procedure for a matching group. 

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called right before the unmatching processing for a group of entries. If the GPE global variable is set to 1 in the dedicated processing, the standard unmatching procedure will not be run.


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

Depending on the cases, a log file may be open.

Available variables and masks

The SITE, COMPTE and TIERS variables contain the site, account and business partner subject to the unmatching.

BEFRVSMTC: before matching the exchange rate variance reversal journal

The BEFRVSMTC entry point is used to take control just before the exchange rate variance reversal journal matching during the unmatching of a group of entries.

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point intervenes in the reversal procedure for the exchange rate variance journal, before the standard subprogram used for matching the reversal journal with the source variable journal is called. If the GPE global variable is set to 1 in the dedicated processing, the standard procedure for reversal matching is not run.


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

Depending on the cases, a log file may be open.

Available variables and masks

The OLDTYP and OLDNUM variables respectively contain the type and number of the exchange rate variance journal currently being reversed.

The NEWTYP and NEWNUM variables respectively contain the type and number of the journal corresponding to the exchange rate variance reversal.