GOBJSUB process: Object management


This entry point is called after clicking the Create, Save or Delete button in the object management interface. It facilitates the management of specific or custom actions for multiple objects, such as updating specific and custom tables or generating statistics, without the need to handle these actions across multiple specific and object processes.

Context and operating mode

This entry point is triggered after the FIN_ACTION standard action.

The creation, modification, or deletion transactions for the object have already been executed.

The screen classes and tables required for object management are available. In the case of a deletion, if it is accepted, the fields in the interface will be cleared.

Available variables in object management

  • ABREV(3): Contains the object code.
  • CLECUR1(30): Contains the value of the primary key for the object.
  • CLECUR2(30)(0..8): Contains the value of the secondary keys.


Unlike GESOBJ, which is used in classic mode only, you can call the AFTER_UPDATE entry point after a file modification in web service mode or from an import.

Context and operating mode

This entry point is triggered after the APRES_MOD standard action.

It allows you to intervene after a modification, once the transaction has been committed.