BENMKOMAJ: Update of the specific/custom fields in the production tracking file
This entry point is used to take control of the operation tracking creation just before the creation of the operation tracking line (which makes it possible for example to initialize the fields in the specific/custom tables).
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MKO] is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
The [M :MTOK] screen class linked to the creation of the time tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Operations |
Yes |
Operation tracking |
No |
Scheduling |
Yes |
Site |
BENMKIMAJ: Update of the specific/custom fields in the production reporting file
This entry point is used to take control of the production tracking creation just before the creation of the tracking of the released product line (which makes it possible for example to initialize the fields in the specific/custom tables).
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MKI] is loaded at the moment of the entry point call.
The [M :MTIK] screen class linked to the creation of the production tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
MFGHEADTRK | No | Tracking header |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | Yes | Released product |
MFGITMTRK | Yes | Production tracking |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BENMKMMAJ: Update of custom/specific fields in the materials consumption file MF
This entry point is used to take control of the consumption tracking creation just before the creation of the tracking of the material line tracking (which makes it possible for example to initialize the fields in the specific/custom tables).
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MKM] is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
The [M :MTMK] screen class linked to the creation of the material tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Materials |
Yes |
Material tracking |
Yes |
Site |
BENMFOMAJ: Update of the specific/custom fields in the operations file MFGOPE
This entry point is used to take control in creation of the operation tracking just before the re-write of the operation line (for example, update the specific/custom fields).
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MFO] is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
The [M :MTOK] screen class linked to the creation of the time tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Operations |
Yes |
Operation tracking |
No |
Scheduling |
Yes |
Site |
MFICLEMAJ: Specific/custom management of the completion indicator on the release
In automatic creation of production reporting, this entry point is used to intervene in the closed flag for the released product lines ( MFITRKFLG field in the MFGITM file).
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MFI] is loaded at the moment of the entry point call.
The [M :MTIK] screen class linked to the creation of the production tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Released product |
Yes |
Production tracking |
Yes |
Site |
BENMFIFLT: in automatic production reporting, filter change
This entry point is used to take control in automatic creation of production tracking, just after the standard filter to be applied to the released product lines to be processed, in order to carryout a specific/custom filter.
Below is the standard filter:
The entry point is set after this line.
Warning: This filter will be applied in the place of the standard filter and not in addition. The filter on the WO number (MFGNUM) must be set.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file
Available screen and file classes
The standard filter is carried out.
The [M :MTIK] mask is loaded
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
No |
Released product |
No |
Production tracking |
No |
Site |
No |
Product |
No |
Product-site |
No |
Stock transaction |
BENMFMFLT: in automatic consumption, change in the filter to be applied
This entry point is used to take control in automatic creation of the material consumption, just after the standard filter to be applied to the component lines to be processed, in order to carryout a specific/custom filter.
Below is the standard filter according to the value of TYPTRT(process type) and MFGMST(production operation):
The TYPTRT values are :
1 - to track all the materials linked to a WO.
2= To track all the materials linked to an operation.
If the operation is productive, the materials with operation number = 0 will also be tracked
3= All the materials linked to a finished product line will be tracked.
When 1: Filter [F:MFM] Where MFGNUM = [M:MTMK]MFGNUM & MFMTRKFLG <> 5 &
& MATSTA <> 4
When 2:
& MATSTA <> 4
& & MFMTRKFLG <> 5 & MATSTA <> 4
When 3: Filter [F:MFM] Where MFGNUM = [M:MTMK]MFGNUM & (find(MFGLIN,0,[M:MTMK]MFGLIN)) &
& MFMTRKFLG <> 5 & MATSTA <> 4
The entry point is set after each standard filter.
Warning : This filter will be applied in the place of the standard filter and not in addition. The filter on the WO number (MFGNUM) must be set.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file
Available screen and file classes
The standard filter is carried out.
The [M :MTIK] mask is loaded
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
No |
Released product |
No |
Production tracking |
No |
Site |
No |
Product |
No |
Product-site |
No |
Stock transaction |
BENMKMMOD: in automatic consumption, specific/custom calculation of the consumed
This entry point is used to take control in automatic consumption tracking creation just after the calculation of the quantity to be consumed, in order to recalculate this quantity.
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MKM] is loaded at the moment of the entry point call. Notably, the quantity consumed ([F :MKM]USEQTY) is loaded.
The [F :MFM] buffer is on-line but not yet updated.
The [M :MTMK] screen class linked to the creation of the material tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Materials |
Yes |
Material tracking |
Yes |
Site |
BENENTLOT: Used to modify the block additional lot
This EP is used to modify the content of a block: additional lot in the entries screen STOENTW
Context and operating mode
This EP can be used, for instance, to assign the first number of a sublot a value different than: 00001
The EP's content would then be:
IF [F:ITM]LOTMGTCOD = 4 & [M:ENTW]SLO(nolign-1) = "00001"
[M:ENTW]SLO(nolign-1) = "Specific slo"
the value 'slo specific' will have to be alphanumerical with a length compatible with GLONSLO and end with numbers
There is no transaction in process.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The [F:ITF] buffer is loaded.
The [F:ITF] buffer is loaded.
[M:STOENTW] screen class is loaded
Open tables
CUSTRTSUP: After the prod. declaration MFGITMTRK
This entry point is used to take control of the production tracking creation just before the creation of the tracking of the released product line and stock update.
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MKI] is loaded at the moment of the entry point call.
The [M :MTIK] screen class linked to the creation of the production tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
MFGHEADTRK | No | Tracking header |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | Yes | Released product |
MFGITMTRK | Yes | Production tracking |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BEFBODMKM : components filer in automatic consumption on BOM
This entry point is used to take control in automatic creation of the material consumption on BOM in order to accept (or not) the consumption of a component identified by [F:BOD].
Set the GPE variable to 1 in order to avoid the launch of a component's issue.
Context and operating mode
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
Yes |
BOM header |
Yes |
Component line |
CRE_CPLMFO : before the operation update
This entry point is used to insert additional logic during the automatic creation of an operation tracking.
To prevent the operation update (buffer [F:MFO]) from being triggered, set the GPE variable to 1.
Context and operating method
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MFO] is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
The [M :MTOK] screen class linked to the creation of the time tracking is loaded.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Operations |
Yes |
Operation tracking |
No |
Scheduling |
Yes |
Site |
BENMFMCTL: consumption product not renewed
This entry point is used to take control immediately before testing the product status. For example, it allows to authorize the consumption of components with a "not renewed" status for which stock is still available.
Context and operating method
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:ITM] is loaded with the current component at the moment of the entry point call.
Assign GPE to a value > 0 to avoid issues on [F:ITM]ITMSTA > 1 test and allow the process to continue.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Materials |
Yes |
Material tracking |
Yes |
Site |
BENMKMTRA: Track insufficient available stock
This entry point is used to take control immediately before writing in the WMSGSUI message tracking about the insufficient available stock.
Resetting WMSGSUI through this entry point inhibits the writing of the message.
Context and operating method
Available screen and file classes
When the entry point is called, the [F:ITM] and [F:ITF] buffers are loaded with the product and product site related to the error message.
BEFWRIMTA: Update of spec. fields Quality Record Responses MTKCRDASW
In the production tracking creation, this entry point is used to take control of the writing of responses given in the Quality Record, immediately before the creation of each line (which allows for example to initialize the fields in the specific/custom tables).
Context and operating method
There is one transaction in progress.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The buffer [F:MTA] is loaded at the moment of the entry point call.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Quality Record Responses |
Yes |
Site |
CTLMKMNUL: material tracking with null quantity
This entry point is triggered on a material tracking automatic generation. For example, it allows to force the tracking creation, including when the quantity calculated by the algorithm is null.
Context and operating method
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
When the entry point is called, the [F:ITM], [F:ITF] buffers are loaded with the current component from the work order or the BOM, but the [F:MKM] buffer is not yet completely calculated.
Assign GPE to a value > 0 to avoid issues on [F:MKM]USEQTY=0 tests and allow the process to continue.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Materials |
Yes |
Material tracking |
Yes |
Site |
CTLMKMSTO: material tracking when stock is insufficient
This entry point is triggered on a material tracking automatic generation. For example, it allows to force the tracking creation, including when the stock quantity is insufficient and negative stock is not allowed.
Context and operating method
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file
Available screen and file classes
The [F:ITM], [F:ITF], [F:MKM] buffers are loaded with the current component at the time of the call to the entry point.
The entry point is triggered in the event of an automatic issue, when there is not enough available stock and the product does not allow negative stock.
Assign GPE to a value > 0 to avoid triggering the stock update and allow the process to continue.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
No |
Tracking header |
No |
WO header |
Yes |
Materials |
Yes |
Material tracking |
Yes |
Site |