RCPISSSER: This is used to authorize the entry of the serial numbers issued on r

This entry point is used to authorize the entry of serial numbers issued during a receipt to stock of miscellaneous entry, receipt or production reporting types.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases - Significant variables

This entry point is located in the RECSER_F sub-program of the STKACT process.

It is called during the check carried out after the entry of a serial number in the receipt flows.

To authorize the entry of an issue serial number during a miscellaneous receipt, reception or production declaration, it is necessary to load the local variable WRCPISSSER in the following way :  [L]WRCPISSSER =  1.

The significant variables are:

PTRS :             Transaction type (1=miscellaneous entry, 3=reception, 5=production reporting)

PVCRTYP :    Document type(Local menu 701)

PSER :             Serial number entry

PQTY : Quantity

PITM :             Product

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded...).


Significant content

Table Title






Serial number

PAR_CTRLOT: Used to modify the parameters of the lot control on input

This entry point is used to modify the parameters of the control function of a lot in the incoming flows.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases - Significant variables

This entry point is located in the STKCTRLOT sub-program of the STKACT processing.

It is called during the check carried out after the entry of a serial number in the incoming flows.

In the event of an inter-site delivery receipt, it erases the references of the original document, thus preventing the existence control of the lot in the movements of an original document and thus receiving a new lot.

Ex : If PVCRTYP=6 : Raz PVCRNUMORI, PVCRTYPORI:                Endif

The significant variables are:

PLOT = Lot to control

PABR = Screen abbeviation

PNOL = Line index

PITM = Product

PBPSLOT = Supplier lot

PVCRTYP = Document type

PVCRNUM = Journal number

PVCRLIN = Document line

PVCRTYPORI = Original document type

PVCRNUMORI = Original document number

PVCRLINORI = Original document line


Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded...).


Significant content

Table Title







STKFREQCQ: This entry point is used to modify the frequency management in qualit

It modifies the frequency management in quality control

Context and operating mode


Transaction under progress depending on the call case.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases - Significant variables

This entry point is located in the STKFREQCQ sub-program of the STKACT processing.

Different call cases of the STKFREQCQ sub-program:

     - On entering the product: mode "S": determination if quality control

     - At the end of the line                              : mode "F": Flagging ITF and/o ITP 

     - On document validation            : mode "V": ITF and/or ITP update

     - On abort or cancellation            : mode "A": ITF and/or ITP update

The STKFREQCQ EP is placed right before the processing of these various call modes. Buffers

                            ITF and/or ITP are loaded. If ITF and/or ITP do not manage the frequency, the EP is

                             not called   

                             If the variable GPE has a value different from 0, the standard processing is inhibited.

The significant input variables are:

LABR                   :   Mask

LFCY                   :   Site

LLIN                    : Line

LITM                   :  Product

LBPS                  : Supplier

LACT                  : Call mode

The significant output variables with the values determined by the standard operation of the frequency (mode "S) are the following:

LQUA                  :   2 Detected frequency

LITP                    :   1  ITF only frequency, 2 ITF and ITP frequency

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded...).


Significant content

Table Title










NO_CTRCOE: used to prevent carrying out the quantity rounding control on STK uni

This entry point is used to prevent carrying out the quantity rounding control on STK units after having entered the quantity in PAC units or the conversion coefficient from PAC unit to STK unit.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases - Significant variables

This entry point is located in the STKCTRCOE sub-program of the STKACT processing.

It is called in the actions after modification of fields 'quantity in Packing units" and 'Conversion coefficient from Packing unit to STK unit" in the following incoming flows:

-          miscellaneous input

- assembly (parent product) and disassembly (components)

- receipt

- production tracking

- production workbench

The STKCTRCOE sub-program checks that the quantity in STK units will need to be rounded (because of an excessively large number of decimals of the quantity in packing units or the packing/siock unit conversion coefficient).

The entry point is used to avoid running this control: for that purpose, the variable needs to be set to GOK=0