BEFWRISTJ: Before entering a stock movement

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each stock movement.

The STOJOU [STJ] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.


BEFREWSTJ: Before re-entering a stock movement

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for a stock movement.

The STOJOU [STJ] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

- Adjustment of issue prices: modifying the value of a movement (receipt or issue).

Open tables

STOJOU [STJ] = record that will be rewritten.

BEFWRISTO: Before entering a stock line

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each new stock line.

The STOCK [STO] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWSTO: Before re-entering a stock line

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each stock line.

The STOCK [STO] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.


BEFWRISTL: Before entering the lot record

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each stock lot.

The STOLOT [STL] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWSTL: Before re-entering the lot record

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each stock lot record with the [F :STL] class.

The STOLOT [STL] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFWRISTS: Before entering the serial number

Use this entry point to intervene before the entry of each serial number in the STOSER table on stock issue for the products with serial number management in "issue only".

(Before Write [STS])

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.

BEFREWSTS: Before re-entering the serial number

Use this entry point to intervene before the re-entry of each serial number in the STOSER table for the products with serial number management on receipt and issue (Before Rewrite [STS]).

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.

BEFWRIQLH: Before entering a quality control header

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each quality control header.

The STOQLYH [QLH] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.


BEFREWQLH: Before re-entering the quality control header

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each quality control header.

The STOQLYH [QLH] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.


BEFWRIQLD: Before entering the quality control detail

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each quality control detail.

The STOQLYD [QLD] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWQLD: Before re-entering the quality control detail

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each quality control detail.

The STOQLYD [QLD] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

VERIPTDAT: Stock allocation date control

This entry point is called before the allocation date control of a stock movement.

The control can be carried out specifically and the standard control can be inhibited.

 Description of the call context

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).


LDAT: Date to control

LFCY: Site

LPAR: Period status (1=direct / 2=deferred / 3=adjustment / 4=prohibited)

 Variable on issue



If GPE <> 0 the standard allocation date control action is not carried out.


STODISTOT: Calculation of product-site available stock

This entry point is called after the calculation of a product-site available stock from the ITMMVT table.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).


 Variable or mask



Contains the abbreviation of the ITMMVT table (product-site totals) class by default:’[F :ITV]’


Location type taken into account: all the internal locations + the combinations using the following weights (1=dock / 2=customer / 4=subcontract)

Example: 5=dock & subcontract


Status taken into account (Local menu no. 2701) / If 0 then status ‘A’


Contains the available stock calculated by the sub-program.

Example: LTYPLOC=1 , LSTA=1 and you want to add the stock with status ‘Q’

It is necessary to add:

LSTUACTDIS +=  evaluate(AITV+ ‘CTLSTO’) + evaluate(AITV+ ‘PLFCTLSTO’) - evaluate(AITV+ ‘CTLALL’)

BEFWRIITV: Before entering the product-site totals

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each new product-site totals line.

The ITMMVT [ITV] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWITV: Before re-entering the product-site totals

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each product-site totals line.

The ITMMVT [ITV] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFWRIITH: Before entering the product-site total history

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each new product-site total history line.

The ITMMVTHIS [ITH] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file                         

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWITH: Before re-entering the product-site total history

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each product-site total history line.

The ITMMVTHIS [ITH] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

CALPER: Expiry date calculation

Use this entry point to perform the specific calculation of the expiry date   

It is located in the CALPER sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

LCOD: Contains the value of the EXYMGTCOD (expiry management) heading of the ITMMASTER (item) table

LREF: Expiry reference date

LSHL: Contains the value of the SHL (shelf life) heading of the ITMMASTER (item) table

LPER: Calculated expiry date

BEFWRISTP: Before entering the FIFO stock costs

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each new FIFO stock cost line.

The STOCOST [STP] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWSTP: Before re-entering the FIFO stock costs

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each new FIFO stock cost line.

The STOCOST [STP] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

STKLIBSLO: Assigning the first sub-lot number

Assign the first sub-lot number with a value different from "00001"   

Context and operating mode

Use this entry point to assign the first sub-lot number with a value other than "00001" by entering the LSLO alphanumeric variable.  The new alphanumerical value must have a length complying with GLONSLO and must end with at least one numerical character. 


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

BEFDELSTP: Before deletion of the FIFO stock costs

This entry point is called before the "Delete" instruction for each FIFO basis element deletion.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

1- Creation, modification or deletion of a stock movement involving the decrementation of the FIFO basis

2- Value modification with update of the FIFO basis

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open. 

SRU_GLO: No read of the global management rule

Use this entry point in order not to read the stock management rule at global level and therefore to render its definition mandatory in product category.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

This entry point is called in the LECSRU sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

The GPE global variable must be set to 0 in order not to read the global stock management rule.

BEFWRISMP: Before entering the quality control sampling

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each quality control sampling line.

The STOQLYSMP [SMP] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode

 Transaction record

There is one transaction in progress

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Call when recording the quality control for a product with sampling management.

Open tables / headings


STQ1 mask

Index I to read the table of the STQ1 mask

BEFREWSMP: Before re-entering the quality control sampling

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each re-entry of a quality control sampling.

The STOQLYSMP [SMP] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode

 Transaction record

There is one transaction in progress

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Call when recording the quality control for a product with sampling management.

Open tables / headings


STQ1 mask

Index I to read the table of the STQ1 mask

BEFWRISTA: Before entering allocations

This entry point is called before the "Write" instruction for each new allocation line.

The STOALL [STA] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWSTA: Before re-entering allocations

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each allocation line.

The STOALL [STA] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWITW: Before re-entering product-warehouse

This entry point is called before the "Rewrite" instruction for each product-warehouse line.

The ITMWRH [ITW] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Call during the stock count validation stage

Open tables

CUNLISDET/CUN     stock count detail

ITMMASTER/ITM      Products

ITMFACILIT/ITF       Products-site

ITMMVT/ITV            Product totals

STOPAR/STE           Stock parameters

CALREF: Expiry reference calculation

Use this entry point to perform a specific calculation of the expiry reference.   

It is located in the CALREF sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

LCOD: Contains the value of the EXYMGTCOD (expiry management) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LREF: Expiry reference date

LSHL: Contains the value of the SHL (shelf life) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LUOM: Contains the value of the SHLUOM heading (time unit of shelf life) of the ITMMASTER table

LPER: Calculated expiry reference date

CALDLU: Use-by date calculation

Use this entry point to perform the specific calculation of the use-by date.   

It is located in the CALDLU sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

LCOD: Contains the value of the EXYMGTCOD (expiry management) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LREF: Expiry reference date

LEXY: Expiry date 

LDLU: Contains the value of the DLU (use factor) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LPER: Calculated use-by date

CALLTI: Calculation of re-control date

Use this entry point to perform the specific calculation of the re-control date.   

It is located in the CALLTI sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Open tables

LCOD: Contains the value of the EXYMGTCOD (expiry management) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LREF: Re-control reference date

LSHL: Contains the value of the SHLLTI (re-control shelf life) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LUOM: Contains the value of the SHLLTIUOM (re-control time unit) heading of the ITMMASTER table

LPER: Calculated re-control date

ORI_TRK: Manages the traceability on the tracking instead of the WO

Use this entry point to manage the traceability on the tracking instead of the WO


Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

This entry point is called in the MAJTRK sub-program of the STKLIB processing.

#--- Sequence to be written in the entry point

 If find([F:STJ]TRSTYP,5,6,19)








STODISPO: Calculation of product-site available stock filtered on lot, location

This entry point is called after the calculation of the product-site available stock from the ITMMVT table and stock lines.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).


 Variable or mask



Contains the abbreviation of the ITMMVT table (product-site totals) class by default:’[F :ITV]’






Lot no. 

Prefix with "*" / All the lots "*" / Blank lot only ""



Prefix with "*" / All the locations "" or "*"


Location type taken into account: all the internal locations + the combinations using the following weights (1=dock / 2=customer / 4=subcontract)

Example: 5=dock & subcontract


Status taken into account (Local menu no. 2701) / If 0 then status ‘A’


Owner (if "" then LFCY)


Warehouse or ""


Contains the available stock calculated by the sub-program.

CUSADDTRT: Launching additional processing

This entry point is called at the end of the accounting interface launching.

Context and operating mode


There can be one transaction in progress.

Log file

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

BEFWRISLF: Before writing lot-site

This entry point is called before the lot-site "Write" instruction.

The STOLOTFCY [SLF] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file                         

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFREWSLF: Before re-writing lot-site

This entry point is called before the lot-site "Rewrite" instruction.

The STOLOTFCY [SLF] table buffer is loaded and can be modified with the usual care.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file                         

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Systematic call.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.

BEFDELSTO: Before deleting stocks

This entry point is called before the "Delete" instruction for each STOCK element deletion.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

Every time a record from the STOCK table is deleted.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open. 

CTR_CUNFLG: Product control in stock count

Use this entry point to render blocking the "Product in stock count" message during a stock receipt.

Context and operating method


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There can be an open log file according to the movement type (GTRACE test).

Different call cases

For each new product in stock receipt.

A non blocking message displays in standard mode in stock receipt if the product is in stock count. The message becomes blocking when the GPE variable is initialized by the CTR_CUNFLG entry point of the STKLIB processing.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open.