PCU_IDENT : During the unpacking of a stock line

This entry point is called before the update of the new stock line coming from the unpacking of the line which an action is being carried out on (issue, location and status change, etc.).

The characteristics of this new stock line are contained in the work screen [M:STW].

Modifying the content of this work screen enables to intervene on the characteristics of the new line and in particular to modify identifiers 1 and 2 that are those of the unpacked line by default.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

The original stock line has just been updated (reduction of 1 packing unit and n stock units).

A new line of n stock units will be created with the same characteristics or a line with identical characteristics will be updated (increase of n stock units).

The characteristics of this new line are in the screen [M:STW] indexed via the I variable.

For example: Reset to zero of identifiers 1 and 2

            Raz [M :STW]PALNUM(I)

            Raz [M :STW]PALNUM(I)

Warning: Avoid intervening on other fields than the 2 identifiers since the STOWORK [STW] screen contains all the data used to update stock.

Open tables

All the tables of the stock engine are open but their content is not significant.

The stock update interface screen: STOWORK [STW] is open and contains all the characteristics of the issues to carry out.

GENANA: Analysis number assignment on receipt

This entry point is used to intervene on the update of a receipt into stock when the analysis number is assigned.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

No trace file is open.

Different call cases

Call if creation of a new analysis request, therefore only in the case of stock receipt movements with the ‘Q’ status.

Available variables and masks

Variable or mask


Global char WANA

Analysis number

If the WANA variable is loaded via this entry point, no automatic assignment of the analysis number by the standard sub-program will be carried out.

If this entry point reuses an existing analysis number, the quality control recording must be updated concerning the quantity by status fields.

Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.


MAJ_ITH: Updating the Products-sites totals history

Use this entry point in order not to update the history of the products-sites totals (ITMMVTHIS table).

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

No trace file is open.

Different call cases

Call on updating the stock on product shortage when the products-sites totals are being updated.

In order not to update the history of the products-sites totals, the GPE variable must be set to 1.

Warning: this entry point is the equivalent of the entry point located in the STKVALMAJ2 processing. The same behavior will probably be required in both cases.

Available variables and masks

Variable or mask


Block 1 of screen STOWORK

It contains the characteristics of the document line for which the stock is being updated, among which:            - [M:STW]TRSTYP: transaction type (local menu 704)    - [M:STW]VCRTYP: document type (local menu 701) 


Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.


AGRSTJ: stock movements should not be aggregated

Use this entry point in order not to aggregate the stock movements.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

Call upon stock update on each stock movement entry.

In order not to aggregate stock movements, the GPE variable must be set to 1.

Available variables and masks

Variable or mask


Block 1 of screen STOWORK

It contains the characteristics of the document line for which the stock is being updated, among which:            - [M:STW]TRSTYP: transaction type (local menu 704)    - [M:STW]VCRTYP: document type (local menu 701) 


Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.

QLH_CRIT : add a criterion upon analysis request generation

Use this entry point to define an additional differentiation criterion when generating analysis requests.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

Call upon stock update on each stock movement entry.

To use the lot as an additional differentiation criterion when generating analysis requests, the WQLH_CRIT local variable must be declared and loaded as follows:

Local Char WQLH_CRIT



The lot must be added to the STOQLYH table. It is automatically loaded via the transclasses.

Available variables and masks

Variable or mask


Block 1 of screen STOWORK

It contains the characteristics of the document line for which the stock is being updated, among which:            - [M:STW]TRSTYP: transaction type (local menu 704)    - [M:STW]VCRTYP: document type (local menu 701) 


Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.

STA_CRIT: add a criterion on searching an allocation

Use this entry point to define an additional differentiation criterion when searching for the allocations to be followed on a new stock line.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

Call when updating stock if the characteristics of a stock line with allocations are modified. Calling this entry point only occurs when searching for an allocated quantity equal to the quantity of the new stock line.   

Used to determine the allocations to be followed on this new stock line. 

To define an additional differentiation criterion for allocations, the WSTACRIT local variable must be loaded with the additional filter to be applied.

Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.


PURQLC: not to purge a quality control in the case of an issue in Q status

Use this entry point not to purge a quality control in the case of an issue in Q status.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress

Log file

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

Call upon update of stock placed in the PURGE_STOQLYD label.

The GPE variable must be set to 1 in order not to purge a quality control in the event of an issue with Q status.

Available variables and masks

Variable or mask



Open tables

All the tables opened by the stock engine.

CONTROL_BACKDATE: authorize backdated stock issues

This entry point is used to check if a backdated stock issue is authorized. The control is applied to the existing stock on a relevant date. This is a blocking control.

This control has been implemented to meet several requirements:

  • Keep a chronological order: It is not possible to issue a product on a given date if this product was not in the stock on that date.
  • Maintain consistency in stock movements regarding lot entry and issue
  • Avoid beginning the stock movements of new products with a negative stock value
When this entry point is used, the following controls are applied:
  • Stock on the receipt date/effective date (earlier than the current date) must exist for the product-site, lot and sublot, requested quantity and serial number (which determines the stock line). All the other characteristics, such as location, status, packing unit, conversion factor, user 1 and 2 areas as well as the LPN number, that are available on the stock line, are considered to determine the available stock. If there is no available stock, a blocking control prevents you from creating the document.
  • In the stock journal, a control is applied to the stock movements already performed between the current date and the entered date (earlier than the current date) to prevent stock to be issued for this product on a date earlier than the last sock issue for that same product (same site, lot, sublot, serial number).


  • Concerning Product management (GESITM), negative stock is prohibited (the Stock < 0 authorized check box is cleared).
  • No negative stock is managed for the product.


In this entry point, enter the following instruction:


Errors are managed by the standard scripts.

Context and operating mode

Considered movements

The control only applies to the creation of documents. It does not apply to the modification or deletion of documents.

Flow TRSTYP (Stock transaction types) ML 704 VCRTYP (Entry type) ML 701
Issue 2 = Miscellaneous issue 20 = Miscellaneous issue
31 = Assembly (parent product)
32 = Disassembly (component)
35 = Lot modification
4 = Customer delivery 4 = Delivery
5 = Sales invoice with stock movement
6 = Work order issue 12 = Production tracking
24 = Service request 33 = Service request
29 = Subcontract issue 6 = Receipt
Negative receipt 11 = Receipt return 8 = Supplier return
32 = Subcontract receipt return 8 = Supplier return
Stock change 14 = Intersite transfer 29 = Stock change
Count 13 = Stock count 9 = Stock count

Loan deliveries and subcontract deliveries are not handled because permanent stock is kept.
This also applies to transfers and subcontract returns.


Stock movements corresponding to a Lot modification document (VCRTYP = 35) are considered. Effectively, the corresponding issue flow is identified as a Miscellaneous issue (TRSTYP=2). This is normal behavior for lot renumbering/mixing but it serves no purpose for characteristic changes (except potency) and lot user custom fields. This has no consequences on the calculation of the stock on the effective date. On the other hand, it will block the update if a movement relating to characteristic changes or lot user custom fields is later than the effective date entered.

Technical data

The table below mentions the sign (positive/negative) of the quantity in the following flows [M:STW]:

Flow type MAJCODH MAJTYP (I) Quantity sign
Issue C (creation) S (issue) +
Negative receipt C E (receipt) -
Intersite transfers C C (change of location) +


STOCK on the S1 site: Lots are managed for Product A1.

On 22 October, the stock quantity is 150.

  • Lot 1: 50
  • Lot 2: 20
  • Lot 3: 80
This stock originates from the following movements:

1 October 3 October 5 October 10 October 15 October
Lot 1 +30 Lot 1 -10 Lot 1 +10
Lot 1 +20
Lot 2 +20

Lot 3 +50 Lot 3 +30

On 22 October, if you enter an issue document on the specified effective date, the result is as follows:

Effective date Lot Quantity Result
30 September Lot 2 - 10 Blocked movement (Stock = 0)
1 October Lot 1 - 40 Blocked movement (Issue movement on 3 October)
5 October Lot 1 - 40 Blocked movement (Stock = 30)
5 October Lot 3 - 20 Blocked movement (Stock = 0)
12 October Lot 3 - 60 Blocked movement (Stock = 50)
14 October Lot 1 - 50 Blocked movement (Stock = 30)
15 October Lot 1 - 50 Authorized movement (Stock = 50)