AFTER_EXP: Processing after export
Use this entry point to add a specific processing following the standard exports.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file.
Available screen and file classes
Interface launching screen mask.
AFTER_IMP: Processing after import
Use this entry point to add a specific processing following the planning result import.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file.
Available screen and file classes
Interface launching screen mask.
OPTDATSEL: Inserting additional filters
To avoid standard filters on the operation start and end dates and on the current site.
Context and operating mode
Set GPE to a value other than zero so that the filter on the OPERATIONS [F:OPS] table is not completed: [F:OPS]OPESTR, [F:OPS]OPEEND and [F:OPS]MFGFCY.
To replace or complete the filter, it is possible to use the CRITERE variable as follows:
CRITERE = "specific condition"