SUBROC processing: Copy routing
AFTCREROH: After creation of a routing header
Use this entry point to take over after the creation of a routing header in the ROUTING table, in order to process additional specific tables.
Context and operating mode
Description of the call context
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file.
Available screen class
The [M:DIA] screen is loaded.
This entry point is called in the For [ROH] Where... loop that concerns the original site routings, after each write of a new routing in the destination site via the [F:ROHW] class, knowing that the operations and schedulings of this routing have been created beforehand.
The GOK variable is set to 1 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GOK<1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked.
The GERR variable is set to 0 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GERR=1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked with the addition of the GMESSAGE error message to the log file.
Open tables
- Tables with significant content
ROUTING [ROH] Routing headers (original site, read)
ROUTING [ROHW] Routing headers (destination site, write)
TABFOR [TFO] Formulas
- Tables with no significant content
ROUOPE [ROO] Routing operations (original site, read)
ROUOPE [ROOW] Routing operations (destination site, write)
ROUSCD [ROS] Routing operation scheduling (original site, read)
ROUSCD [ROSW] Routing operation scheduling (destination site, write)
WORKSTATIO [MWS] Work centers (original site, read)
WORKSTATIO [MWSW] Work centers (destination site, read)
ATEXTRA [AXX] Translatable texts
TABROUALT [TRO] Routing codes
AFTCREROO: After creation of a routing operation
Use this entry point to take over after the creation of a routing operation in the ROUOPE table, in order to process additional specific tables.
Context and operating method
Description of the call context
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file.
Available screen class
The [M:DIA] screen is loaded.
This entry point is called in the For [ROO] Where... loop that concerns the operations of an original site routing, after each write of a new routing and its scheduling in the destination site via the [F:ROOW] and [F:ROSW] classes, and before the routing header on the destination site is written. This loop is included in a For [ROH] Where... loop that concerns routings of the original site.
The GOK variable is set to 1 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GOK<1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked.
The GERR variable is set to 0 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GERR=1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked with the addition of the GMESSAGE error message to the log file.
Open tables
- Tables with significant content
ROUTING [ROH] Routing headers (original site, read)
ROUOPE [ROO] Routing operations (original site, read)
ROUOPE [ROOW] Routing operations (destination site, write)
TABFOR [TFO] Formulas
- Tables with no significant content
ROUTING [ROHW] Routing headers (destination site, write)
ROUSCD [ROS] Routing operation scheduling (original site, read)
ROUSCD [ROSW] Routing operation scheduling (destination site, write)
WORKSTATIO [MWS] Work centers (original site, read)
WORKSTATIO [MWSW] Work centers (destination site, read)
ATEXTRA [AXX] Translatable texts
TABROUALT [TRO] Routing codes