PPDFILTRE: Filter on the selection of RFQ responses from the orders

This entry point located in the TRTACHSEL1 processing for the selection of RFQ responses from the orders, generates a "PPDFILTRE" action.

The aim of this action is to give the possibility to set additional filters on responses that can be selected.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is performed during the selection action on the RFQ responses from the orders when clicking the Actions icon of the product.

Available variables and masks

The following variables are loaded when calling the "PPDFILTRE" action.


Additional filter on the PRESPD table. The filter maximum length is of 50 characters. If the filter is empty there will be no additional filter.

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (in this particular case, there is none).


Significant content

Table Title


Header for the RFQ responses


RFQ responses detail


Product linked to the response

Miscellaneous remarks

If the additional filter is not correct, an information box will be displayed then this filter will be ignored.

CHXPQHQTY: Choice of the quote quantity to take into account

This entry point located in the TRTACHSEL1 processing for the selection of RFQ responses from purchase requests or orders, generates a "CHXPQHQTY" action.

The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to choose the quantity to preload in the purchase request or order line.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is performed during the selection action on the RFQ responses from the purchase requests or orders, when clicking the Actions icon of the product.

Available variables and masks

The following variables are loaded when calling the "CHXPQHQTY" action.


Type of the document being processed (1 = purchase request, 2 = order).


Indicator for the request for quote quantity to take into account

This variable can be modified as follows in order to load the requested quantity in the document line:

0 = Max. quantity of the RFQ response (default value)

1 = Min. quantity of the RFQ response

2 = Quantity of the RFQ request

The [M :PPHW] screen mask is available if WTYP=1 (nolign contains the number of the selected line)

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.


Significant content

Table Title


Yes if WTYP=2

Header for the RFQ responses


Yes if WTYP=2

RFQ responses detail



Product line of the RFQ request

Miscellaneous remarks

CUSITMFLT: Filter when selecting a product

This entry point located in the TRTACHSEL1 processing for product selection from orders, open orders, configurator, invoices and so on  generates a "CUSITMFLT" action.

The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to modify the filter to apply to the product table or to modify the list of selection options that can be applied to the context.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is carried out during the selection action on the product.

Available variables and masks

The following variables are loaded when calling the "CUSITMFLT" action.


Filter to apply to the ITMMASTER [ITM] product file


List of the ITM object selection options to apply in this context.


Calling function (example: GESPOH when in order management).

Open tables