TRTCST processing: TRTCST
BASFGMAT: Is used to modify the calculation basis of material overheads
The entry point BASFGMAT is used to modify the calculation basis of material overheads contained in the LBASE variable.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost for the work order or sub-contract order.
For this entry point, the overheads for the issue of a material identified by [M:CST]MATREF(I) are being calculated.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
Integer LTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Integer LBASE |
Calculation basis for overheads (quantity or amount according to the value of [F:OVE]FORBASIS) |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Product master |
Product-site |
Product totals |
Overheads |
BASFGITM: Is used to modify the calculation basis of product overheads
The entry point BASFGPROD is used to modify the calculation basis of product overheads contained in the LBASE variable.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost for the work order or sub-contract order.
For this entry point, the overheads for the receipt of a product identified by [M:CST]ITMREF(I) are being calculated.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
Integer LTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Integer LBASE |
Calculation basis for overheads (quantity or amount according to the value of [F:OVE]FORBASIS) |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Product BOM |
Product master |
Product-site |
Product totals |
Overheads |
BASFGOPE: Is used to modify the calculation basis of operational overheads
The Entry point BASFGOPE is used to modify the calculation basis of operational overheads contained in the LBASE variable.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost for the work order or sub-contract order.
For this entry point, the overheads for an operation identified by [M:CST]WST(I) are being calculated.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
Integer LTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Integer LBASE |
Calculation basis for overheads (time or amount according to the value of [F:OVE]FORBASIS) |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Valuation dimension |
Work center |
Overheads |
BASFGSCO: Is used to modify the overheads calculation basis for the sub-contract
The entry point BASFGSCO is used to modify the overheads calculation basis of a sub-contract operation contained in the LBASE variable.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost for the work order or sub-contract order.
For this entry point, the overheads for a sub-contract operation identified by [M:CST]SCOWST(I) are being calculated.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
Integer LTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Integer LBASE |
Calculation basis for overheads (time or amount according to the value of [F:OVE]FORBASIS) |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Valuation dimension |
Work center |
Overheads |
BASFGSCO2: Is used to modify the overheads calculation basis for the sub-contrac
The entry point BASFGSCO2 is used to modify the overheads calculation basis of a sub-contract product contained in the LBASE variable.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost for the work order or sub-contract order.
For this entry point, the overheads for a sub-contract product identified by [M:CST]SCOITMREF(I) are being calculated.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
Integer LTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Integer LBASE |
Calculation basis for overheads (quantity or amount according to the value of [F:OVE]FORBASIS) |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Product master |
Product-site |
Product totals |
Overheads |
INITCST: Initialization of the different elements used for cost calculation
The entry point INITCST is used to modify/add/delete the elements used for cost calculation.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks ([M:CST], [M:CTP] and [M:CST0]) are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost of the work order or sub-contract order.
Upon calling this entry point, the values of the components and operations are calculated as well as the corresponding overheads. The standard must then sum the elements and distribute them on the different component lines.
It is then possible to modify, add or delete elements (components or operations) before the totals and distributions are performed.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
1: Single-level calculation |
Open tables
The open tables depend on the type of cost being calculated.
CALCFG: Special calculation of overheads by nature
The entry point CALCFG is used to replace overhead calculation with a specific/custom calculation.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is an open log file.
The entry point is found in the sub-program for overhead calculation. The same sub-program calculates the material costs, the operation costs or the finished product costs; it is advisable to test the nature code or an additional field in the Cost Nature table OVENAT or the Overhead table OVERHEAD in order to perform the appropriate calculation.
The entry point is located in the cost nature processing loop and is used to identify the calculation for each nature. The variable for the For loop is I_NAT. It is necessary to load the CLC_NAT variable with the result of a specific/custom calculation. This calculation will be used to populate the global (and not unitary) overhead cost component for the provisional cost.
Caution: each expense amount by nature is saved in the PTABVAR(J) variable or in the PTABFXD(J) variable (within the loop). The standard calculation after the specific calculation can be avoided by setting the value of the GPE variable to 1.
J corresponds to the index in the list of values for overheads by nature.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
Mask ITCCLC0 [DIA] |
Launch screen (site, parameters…) |
Cost calculation screen |
Char ERR_TRA(80) |
Log file text |
Char COL(1) |
Column (A,B,C or D) according to the choice at the launch of the calculation |
Decimal CUM_NAT |
Accumulated basis for the calculation in series |
Decimal CLC_NAT |
Expense amount by nature |
Parameters on entering in the calculation sub-program |
Decimal PBAS |
Basis of the calculation (global) |
Char POVE |
Overhead code |
Char PCOL |
Column ('A','B','C' or 'D') according to the choice at the launch of the calculation |
Integer PVCRTRG |
1: Calculation of the overheads at the level of the document |
Parameter on exiting the calculation sub-program |
Char PTABNAT() |
Natures |
Decimal PTABVAR |
Overhead variables |
Decimal PTABFXD |
Fixed overheads |
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Product |
Product-site |
Overheads |
FG nature |
Formulas |
AVINITCST: Initialization of the elements used for cost calculation
The AVINITCST entry point is used to modify/add/delete the elements used for cost calculation. The standard processing then loads the values of those elements and calculates the overheads.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks ([M:CST], [M:CTP] and [M:CST0]) are filled with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost of the work order or sub-contract order.
Upon triggering this entry point, the components and operations are charged. The standard processing will then load the costs of the elements as well as their overheads.
To add elements, you can use the SUBCSTB processing.
The CLCOVEFLG field of the CLCCSTPAR [CTP] screen can be used to calculate overheads or not.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
1: Single-level calculation |
0: calculation of the overhead (default value) |
Open tables
The open tables depend on the type of cost being calculated.
APCLCCST: After calculation of a standard cost
The entry point APCLCCST is used to take over after the calculation of a cost and before this cost is saved.
Context and operating mode
There can be a transaction in progress (value of adxlog should be tested).
Log file
There can be an open log file (value of GTRACE should be tested).
Three masks ([M:CST], [M:CTP] et [M:CST0]) are entered with all the information necessary to calculate the standard cost, provisional cost or actual cost of work order or sub-contract order.
Everything is already calculated when this entry point is triggered: product cost, overhead costs of the components, operations and products.
Available variables and masks
Variable or mask |
Definition |
contains the site |
contains the type of cost to be calculated (standard cost, provisional cost, actual production cost) and all the information necessary for the identification and the cost calculation method. |
contains the calculation details (material cost, operational cost, sub-contract cost, overheads...). |
1: Single-level calculation |
0: calculation of the overhead (default value) |
Open tables
The open tables depend on the type of cost being calculated.