ALIM_SHTS: Used to modify the content of the STKSHTSEL screen
Used to modify the content of the STKSHTSEL screen containing the movements requiring an adjustment.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.
Different call cases - Significant variables
This entry point is called after loading via the standard processing of the STKSHTSEL screen.
It enables the content to be modified.
Example solved by this EP
- Force the adjustment of pending movements even though the lot no. is not entered.
EP with the writing of the following sequences:
For I=0 To [M:SCB2]NBLIG-1
If dim([M:SHTS]LOT)>0 & [M:SHTS]LOT(I)="" : [M:SHTS]LOT(I)="*" : Endif
If dim([M:SHTS]SLO)>0 & [M:SHTS]SLO(I)="" : [M:SHTS]SLO(I)="*" : Endif
Next I
The significant mask is:
STKSHTSEL [SHTS]: Pending movements to be adjusted
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Yes |
Product |
Yes |
Product-site |
LECTAB_SHTS : Used to force the loading of the STKSHTSEL screen
Used to force the loading of the STKSHTSEL screen containing movements requiring an adjustment.
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.
Different call cases - Significant variables
This entry point is called just before the loading test performed by the standard processing of the STKSHTSEK screen. Setting the GPE global variable to 1 will make it possible, when the “Auto processing of shortages” stock parameter ([F:STE]SHTAUTFLG) is not selected, to force the loading of the STKSHTSEL table with the pending movements.
Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |
Yes |
Product |
Yes |
Product-site |
AFFSHTS: Prevents the selection screen from being refreshed
AFFSHTS: Prevents the selection screen from being refreshed
Context and operating mode
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.
Different call cases - Significant variables
This entry point is called after the adjustment of the selected elements. Setting the GPE global variable to 1 prevents the STKSHTSEL screen from being refreshed. This can be useful as this screen may take a long time to be refreshed.
Table |
Significant content |
Table title |