Default bank charge bearer
It controls the default setting for the field Bank charge bearer, which is an extra entry field which can be enabled in the Payment entry type definition.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group SWI (Switzerland), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- BVRDEP (Early discount on customer)
- BVRENDBPC (To Swiss ISR/QR customer)
- BVRENDDAT (Swiss ISR/QR end date)
- BVRENDIDT (To Swiss ISR/QR identifier)
- BVRENDINV (To Swiss ISR/QR invoice)
- BVRNUMERIC (Swiss DTA/EZAG numeric)
- BVRSTRBPC (From Swiss ISR/QR customer)
- BVRSTRDAT (Swiss ISR/QR start date)
- BVRSTRIDT (From Swiss ISR/QR identifier)
- BVRSTRINV (From Swiss ISR/QR invoice)
- DEVAMT (Max. amt. deviation ISR import)
- DEVPRC (Max. % deviation ISR import)
- SIHRNDNEG (Sales invoice Rappen -)
- SIHRNDPOS (Sales invoice Rappen +)
- SWIBVRTPY (Payment type for ISR import)
- SWICNRCPY (Entity fiscal number)
- SWICUSBVR (Swiss ISR usage sales)
- SWICUSQRC (Swiss QR code Sales usage)
- SWIPAYBAN (Swiss bank for charges)
- SWIPAYBVR (Control of Swiss payments)
- SWIPAYQR (Control of Swiss QR payments)
- SWIPURBVR (Swiss ISR usage purchasing)
- SWIPURQRC (QR code entry)
- SWIRNDSIH (Sales invoice Rappen rounding)
- SWIVAT (VAT Switzerland)
- TOLDEP (Discount tolerance)
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Swiss localization