SII in test mode
This parameter is used by the functions dedicated to the electronic submission of data in the Immediate Supply of Information on VAT (SII). This processing is used to send the details of your issued and received invoices and the fiscal data linked to your operations to the online portal of the Spanish tax authorities.
Use this parameter to specify if the SII processing is used in test mode.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group SPA (Spain), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- BATUZFCY (BATUZ by site)
- CTSWCPY (Control system)
- CTSWCPYCER (Company certificate)
- CTSWOTHINF (Other information BATUZ)
- CTSWPROXY (Communicating with proxy)
- CTSWREST2 (REST Navarre)
- CTSWREST3 (REST Bizkaia)
- CTSWREST4 (REST Gipuzkoa)
- DCLBIENCO (Consignment goods)
- DEVSERIAL (Device serial number)
- FACTURAE (Facturae format)
- ISSBYREC (Autoinvoicing)
- ISSBYRECS (Autoinvoice sequence)
- NEUOSS (ID number)
- NIOSS (VAT number)
- SIIABTYP (SII credit memo type)
- SIICERT (SII certificate)
- SIIDVSR (Resynchronization from SII)
- SIIEXTAP (SII with external application)
- SIIFCY (SII by site)
- SIIFECHCR (Creation date on received inv.)
- SIIFECHOP (Delivery date on issued inv.)
- SIIFECSII (SII closing date)
- SIIFGAS (SII accounting date)
- SIIMETSII (Cash management in SII)
- SIINBFAC (Number of invoices per batch)
- SIIPROXY (SII proxy use)
- SIITBAIDAT (TBAI start date/SII issue end)
- SPACSHDAT (Cash VAT limit date)
- SPACSHVAT (Special cash VAT tax rule)
- SPADESVAL (Bill remittance Spain)
- SPAEXTBAN (Bank statement listing)
- SPAMODSEND (Send forms to test environment)
- SPAVAT (VAT Spain)
- TBAITEST (Test mode)
- TERDECSP (Territory of declaration)
- VERICOMTYP (Communication type)
The global variable GSIITEST is associated with it.
Functions impacted
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Declarations > Tax management > Spain > SII tools > SII test
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Spanish localization