Quarterly frequency
This parameter must define the reset to zero of quarterly frequency totals in the form of a 12-character formula.
This formula can be only composed of "O" (yes) and "N" (non). The order of the letters corresponds to the order of the months. "O" indicates that the reset to zero must be performed, "N" indicates the contrary.
In general, the formula for a quarterly frequency must be ONNONNONNONN, because the reset to zero must be performed every three months.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Legislation. It belongs to Chapter PLA (Payroll plan-X3P) and the Group CUM (Management of totals-X3P), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CNSSJRS (Days)
- CNSSPLA (Ceiling amount)
- CNSSSAL (Salary)
- PERCUM1 (Monthly frequency)
- PERCUM10 (Client use frequency)
- PERCUM11 (Client use frequency)
- PERCUM13 (Equity year)
- PERCUM3 (Yearly frequency)
- PERCUM4 (Paid leave frequency)
- PERCUM5 (Manual frequency)
- PERCUM6 (RTT frequency)
- PERCUM7 (DADS-U frequency)
- PERCUM8 (Tax mid year frequency)
- PERCUM9 (Tax year frequency)
- RUBCUM1 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM10 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM11 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM12 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM13 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM14 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM15 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM16 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM17 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM18 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM19 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM2 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM20 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM21 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM22 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM23 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM24 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM25 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM3 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM4 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM5 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM6 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM7 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM8 (Heading totals)
- RUBCUM9 (Heading totals)
This parameter is defined at folder level.
Functions concerned
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Setup > Payroll plan > Totals
This parameter is used in the calculation payroll to update totals.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
HRPAY : Payroll management