Annualized working time (in hours)
This parameter contains the number of working hours per year for employees who are subject to an hourly rate that is specific to the company.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter TPS (Time management-X3P) and the Group TXH (Hourly rate-X3P), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- DAYYEA (Company annualized no. of days)
- FIXYEADAY (Legal annualized no. of days)
- FIXYEAHOU (Legal annualized no. of hours)
- HOUBON (Increase threshold/hrs 25%)
- HOUCOM (Upper limit of add. hours not increa)
- HOUCOMSUP (Upp. limit overtime (PT) 25%)
- HOUCON (Allocation threshold on quota)
- HOUDAYLEG (Max number of hours/day)
- HOULEGWEK (Statutory weekly hours)
- HOUMAXLEG (Max number of hours/week)
- HOUMAXYEA (Max number of hours/year)
- HOUMONLEG (Statutory monthly hours)
- HOUREP (Threshold of time off in lieu)
- HOUSUP (Thresh. overtime 25%)
- HOUSUPYEA (Annual quota of overtime)
- HOUWEKAVG (Smoothing of average weekly hours)
- HOUWEKLEG (Company weekly hours)
- HOUWEKMAX (Upper weekly limit of smoothing )
- HOUWEKMIN (Lower weekly limit of smoothing )
- LIMHOU50 (Social security backpay)
- RATBON (Increase rate)
This parameter is defined at site level.