
adxfname returns the name of the columns of an opened table. It is an array of string variables present in the [G:abv] class associated with a table opened with the abv abbreviation.


`INDEX` is an integer value that varies from 0 to `[G:abv]nbzon`-1. For the index 0, the content of `adxfname` is irrelevant (corresponds to the [Updtick](../4gl/ technical column).


# Returns the properties of a table defined by TABLENAME parameter in a JSON feed
Variable Clbfile RESULT()
Value Char TABLENAME()
  If clalev([XXX]) : LogicClose File [XXX] : Endif : Local File =TABLENAME [XXX]
  Append RESULT,' "table" : "' + TABLENAME + '",'
  Append RESULT,' "columns_number" : ' + num$([G:XXX]nbzon) + ','
  # List of column (we skip I=0)
  Append RESULT,' "columns" : ['
  For I=1 To [G:XXX]nbzon-1
    Append RESULT,string$(I>1,",") + '"' + [G:XXX]adxfname(I) + '"'
  Next I
  Append RESULT,' ],'
  Append RESULT,' "index_number" : ' + num$([G:XXX]nbind) + ','
  # List of indexes
  Append RESULT,' "indexes" : ['
  For I=1 To [G:XXX]nbind
    Append RESULT, string$(I>1,",")+ '{'
    Append RESULT, '"name":"' + [G:XXX]keyname(I-1) + '",'
    Append RESULT, '"length":' + num$([G:XXX]keylen(I-1)) + ','
    Append RESULT, '"duplicated":' + string$([G:XXX]keyuniq(I-1)=1,"true") + string$([G:XXX]keyuniq(I-1)=0,"false")
    Append RESULT, '}'
  Next I
  Append RESULT,'],'
  Append RESULT,'"record_length":'+num$([G:XXX]tairec)
  Append RESULT,'}'
On the table "ACCESS", the result (normalized) of the 'JSON' generated by this script is the following:
    "table": "ACCES",
    "columns_number": 12,
    "index_number": 2,
    "indexes": [
        { "name": "CODACC", "length": 40, "duplicated": false },
        { "name": "PRFCOD", "length": 50, "duplicated": true  }
    "record_length": 109

See also

nbzon, nbind, keyname, keylen, keyuniq, tairec.