
currlen is a numeric variable in the [G] class associated with a table declared by the File instruction. It can be assigned to define the number of key components used for a Read operation when the key is not mentioned and defined by currind.


  • ABV is the abbreviation used to open the table.


# The MYTABLE table has several indexes.
# The first one is an index MY0 composed by 3 components (string CODE, date MYDATE, and value NUMVAL).
Local File MYTABLE [MYT]
# The following instructions:
  [G:MYT]currind=1 : [G:MYT]currlen=1 : Read [MYT]="ABC"
# Are equivalent to:
  Read [MYT]MY0(1)="ABC"
# The following instructions:
  [G:MYT]currind=1 : [G:MYT]currlen=2 : Read [MYT]="ABC" ; date$
# Are equivalent to:
  Read [MYT]MY0(2)="ABC" ; date$

See also

File, Read, For, currind.