
nday$ returns a date from the number of days between the [1/1/1600] and the date.


  • EXP_NUM is an expression returning an integer value.


  # What is the date that corresponds to the 150,000th day since 1/1/1600 ?
  Local Date N_DATE1, N_DATE2
  N_DATE1 = nday$(150000)
  N_DATE2 = [1/1/1600]+150000
  # N_DATE1 and N_DATE2 have the same value (equal to [08/09/2010]).


nday$ transforms a number of days in a date. The type of result is Date.

nday$(EXPR_NUM) can be replaced by [1/1/1600]+EXPR_NUM.

Associated errors

Error code Description
10 The argument is not an integer.
56 The resulting date is incorrect (EXPR_NUM not in [-1,3068036] range).

See also

day, year, month, month$, day$, gdat$, dayn, nday, date$, datesyst, Date.