
string$ returns a string containing a string repeated a given number of times.


  • EXP_NB is an integer expression that returns the number of time the string must be repeated.
  • EXP_STRING is a string expression that is the string to be repeated.
  • EXP_CAR is an integer expression that corresponds to the code of the character to be repeated.


   # Returns the string "abc abc abc"
   MY_STRING=string$(3,"abc ")
   # Returns the string "AAAAA"
   # string$ returns a string (limited to 255 characters)
   # This statement does not trigger an error, but the result returned is 255


string$(EXP_NB,EXP_STRING) returns a string containing EXP_NB times the string EXP_STRING.
string$(EXP_NB,EXP_CAR) returns a string containing EXP_NB times the character of code EXP_CAR.
This function is equivalent to string$(EXP_NB,chr$(EXP_CAR)).

The type of result is Char.


When EXP_NB is 0, EXP_CAR is 0, or EXP_STRING is "", the result is always the null string "".

Associated errors

Error code Description
10 The first argument is not numeric, or the second argument has another type than numeric or string.
50 The first argument is negative.

See also

space$, ascii, chr$, vireblc.