Api requests

Calling an X3 service is based on URLs called in http mode.

URL syntax

The syntax of the URL is the following:
* The server and the service are given first, followed by api1 (for example, http://my_server:service/api1/).

  • The application and contract. For Sage X3, it can be either x3/$$prod/ when an $$PROD resource is concerned, or syracuse/collaboration/ for collaboration entities.

  • The endpoint:

    • For collaboration entities, the endpoint is always syracuse/.
    • For Sage X3 entities, the endpoint corresponds to a Sage X3 folder and is defined in the endpoints entity of the platform, for example X3/.
  • The entity, followed by a key value between parenthesis if access to a single resource is requested. For example, BPCUSTOMER to access the customer (BPCUSTOMER) entity, and BPCUSTOMER('MARTIN') to access the MARTIN customer.

  • Additional parameter given by ?param1=value1&param2=value2&.... The most frequent parameters are listed as follows:

    • The representation and the facet, which are mandatory, in the following format: representation=REP.$FAC where REP is the representation name and FAC the facet name.
    • Where clauses such as &where=COND, COND being the condition in api1 syntax (used in queries).
    • Ordering clauses such as &orderBy=FIELD1;FIELD2 Desc (used in queries).
    • Additional parameters such as &count=20 (used in queries).


Even if it seems to work, sdata must no longer be used in webservice mode. Indeed, sdata is dedicated to inactive sessions and consumes a token.


In all these examples, ... stands for the server and the service followed by api1. For example, if the server is called my_server, and if the service is 8124, ... must be replaced by http://my_server:8124/api1.


To get the list of the endpoints (with a maximum of 100) of the platform on a server called my_server, with the service 8124:


To get the list of documents on the volume DOC:

.../syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/documents?representation=documents.$query&where=(volume.code eq 'DOC').

To get a list of customers on a folder DEMO order by name (property BPCNAM):

.../x3/$$prod/DEMO.BPCUSTOMER?representation=BPCUSTOMER.$query&count=20&orderBy=BPCNAM desc.


To get the details on an endpoint by giving its unique ID:


To get the details of the customer MARTIN:



To create a resource for a given entity, a POST will be done on the following URL:
