Event aquery_join_after

This event is used for representations when a query facet is requested.

  • If the class is persistent, the event is called after the declaration of the CODECODE CODELink instruction used to declare the database cursor in which the request will be done. The abbreviation used is [LNK_]. The development partner can, if necessary, close the Link and reopen another cursor.
  • If the class is not persistent,the development partner must open the cursor because no default action will be done.

Available variables

  • No current instance is defined. this is not available.
  • The PQRY class instance of AQUERY contains the default values for the query.


# Here, we show that the class is an interface class where the link is not generated
# Join event on MYTABLE [MYT] Table and ATEXTRA table
# (both have been declared in the AQUERY_OPEN_AFTER event)
# Manage the additional conditions that can be given on 3 fields
  Local Char FILTER_FIELDS(20)(1..3), FILTER_QUERY(20)(1..3)
  FILTER_FIELDS(1)="id" : FILTER_FIELDS(1)="name" : FILTER_FIELDS(1)="transtext"
# Link is done with a join on translatable text table
# Some conditions are predefined (on ID here)
# But some additional conditions might have been added in PQRY.QWHERE
  Link [MYT] With
& As [LNK_]
& Where (left$(ID,1)>='A' | left$(ID,1)<='Z')