
This document describes the minimum configuration requirements when installing the SAFE X3 management console on Microsoft Windows.

Category Configuration requirements
Operating system
  • Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 32-bit or 64-bit, 10, 11

  • Starter, Home, RT, Phone, CE, Mobile and Embedded Microsoft Windows versions are not supported.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019

Note: Since release 2025 R1/V12.0.37, if you are using Windows Server 2012 or 2016, you need to upgrade to Windows Server 2019 or 2022.

  • Industry-standard server or virtual machine:
    • Intel® Xeon®, AMD OPTERON™ or EPYC™
  • Standard PC:
    • Intel Pentium/Celeron/Centrino/i3/i5/i7 1.6GHz (or >) or AMD Athlon recommended.
  • 1 GB required for the SAFE X3 Console.
Disk space
  • 150 MB required for the SAFE X3 Console.
  • An additional 50 MB is required as temporary space under the user profile for standard use.
  • To use the remote import functionality, additional temporary disk space is needed under the user profile to store a compressed archive. Its size will depend on the associated data volume, it may be several Gigabytes.
.Net Framework Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.7.2
  • The .Net Framework 4.7.2 package is needed. If it's not already deployed the Console setup will install it but a reboot of the host is then mandatory.
Pre-requisites during the configuration
  • Windows target servers: The distant user used by the console for configuration operations on the target server must be authorized to open a session as a service.
  • Unix target servers: The distant user used by the console for configuration operations on the target server must have access and modification rights on the files installed through the procedure.
  • Oracle database: To configure the Oracle database, the distant user used by the console must have the SYSDBA rights (usually by being part of the dba group under a target server such as Unix, or the ORA_DBA group on a target server such as Microsoft Windows).
Software prerequisites for the SAFE X3 console A Java Runtime Environment or JDK 11 must be installed before any Sage X3 component installation.