Microsoft® Windows - Microsoft® SQL Server 2022/2019/2017

This document describes the minimum configuration requirements when installing the Sage X3 software package application and data servers on a Microsoft® Windows - SQL Server 2022/2019/2017 server.

Category Configuration requirements
Operating system
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2017
Note: Windows Server 2012 R2 should not be used for new installations, as:
  • Its End of Life is planned for October 10, 2023.
  • Sage stopped supporting Windows Server 2012 R2 in 2022.
  • If you are currently using Windows Server 2012 R2, you need to upgrade to Windows Server 2017, 2019, or 2022.

Note: Since release 2025 R1/V12.0.37, Sage X3 does not support Windows Server 2016.

  • If you are currently using Windows Server 2016, you need to upgrade to Windows Server 2019 or 2022.

  • Industry-standard server or virtual machine in a certified virtualization platform/operating system configuration.
  • Processors:
    • Intel® CPUs:
      • Minimal models: Intel® Xeon® E5 v4, E7 v4
      • Recommended: Latest (third generation) or previous generation (second and first) Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, Gold or Platinum variants
    • AMD™ CPUs:
      • Opteron™ family is very slow on integer computation and should not be used at all.
      • EPYC™ gen.1 (7001 series) are behind equivalent Intel® Xeon® CPUs of the same generation. Their use is discouraged.
      • EPYC™ gen.2 (7002 series) can be used. Its performance is similar to equivalent Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
    • Processor clock frequency:
      • Avoid low energy processors with low clock frequency. This will give poor results.
      • The base clock frequency should be ≥ 2.4 GHz.
      • For heavy single-threaded loads, consider using a processor with a 2.8 GHz or higher base clock speed.
  • Standard needs for the Sage X3 runtime (no database, and no Syracuse in the same VM), with 2.4 GHz Intel® Xeon®:
    • 2 logical cores for the first 40 Sage X3 sessions.
    • 1 additional logical core for each additional 40 Sage X3 sessions.
  • Add at least two logical cores for SQL Server RDBMS if it is on the same host as Sage X3 application or runtime components.
RAM Minimum configuration for a server hosting Microsoft SQL Server and Sage X3 Application/Main Runtime (not Syracuse presentation tier)
  • 2 GB for Windows Operating System.
  • 4 GB per SQL Server instance (on production systems, you should provision much more memory for SQL Server, depending on the number of concurrent user sessions and the size of active data).
  • Generally, the RAM usage per X3 session is under 100 MB, but it can be higher in the case of non-standard settings of maxmem.
Disk space
  • SQL Server 2022/2019/2017: 6 GB minimum.
  • For Sage X3 (reference folder and software): 10 GB.
  • For the SEED demonstration folder (SEED): 10 GB.
  • For the production folder:
    • Depends on the amount of data in the folder. It will never be less than 10 or 20 GB.
    • A sizing tool is available in Sage X3 to estimate the size requirements.
Database software Microsoft SQL Server 2022/2019/2017 x64 Standard or Enterprise Edition, installed with the following options:
  • Microsoft SQL Server will be used to create the database containing the Sage X3 solution’s data.
  • It is highly recommended to install Microsoft SQL Server in Named Instance mode.
    However, you can use a standard (unnamed) instance, but, in this case, you will need to use the MSSQLSERVER name for the instance to be consistent with how Microsoft names standard instances.
  • The Microsoft SQL Server instance must have the following characteristics:
    • The sorting (collation) order should be Latin1_General_BIN2.
      Environments created in the past using the previous Latin1_General_BIN collation are still supported and can continue using it.
    • Mixed mode is mandatory to support both Windows and SQL Server authentication modes.
    • Access to the sa SQL account or another account with a sysadmin role is required.
  • Warning: SQL Server communication by TCP/IP is not activated at installation time with some SQL Server editions such as the Developer Edition.
    TCP/IP communication must be enabled for the solution’s configuration even if the SAFE X3 runtime and print server components are hosted in the same server as SQL Server RDBMS.
    It is mandatory for operations when at least one SAFE X3 runtime or print server is hosted in a different server as SQL Server RDBMS.
  • The SQL Server browser service must be launched when using a named instance.
Software prerequisites for Sage X3 components
  • A Java Runtime Environment or JDK 11 must be installed before any Sage X3 component installation.
  • The SAFE X3 Adxadmin administration engine component must be installed before installing Sage X3 application and runtime components.
  • The latest SAFE X3 management console should be used to configure the Sage X3 solution. Use at least the version provided in the ISO of the installed release.
  • For more details regarding Powershell, consult the pre-requisites documentation.

Note: From version 2022 R2 onwards, the use of Apache server is deprecated. It should only be installed in case your Sage X3 install requires one of the following applications:

  • JavaWeb (VT) Server

  • JavaBridge

  • SAP Business Objects

  • Sage X3 HR version 9 User Portal

Mail server
  • The workflow engine used in classic mode requires an SMTP server or gateway accessible from any machine hosting a Sage X3 runtime.
Windows user accounts
  • Sage X3 runtime service account:
    • It is recommended to use an Active Directory account for running the Sage X3 runtime service when possible rather than a server’s local account.
      Permissions for this account:
      • It must have the Log on as a service privilege.
      • It is easier to set up Sage X3 if the account for running the runtime service belongs to the server's local administrators group. You can avoid this if the X3 folders directory tree is given full access to this account before performing the final configuration from the Sage X3 console.

SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio is not a prerequisite for configuring a Sage X3 V12 Runtime component.

However, you might need this tool to install components for performing SQL Server database management on some of your servers hosting Sage X3.

Since SQL Server 2016, SQL Server Management Studio is not delivered anymore on the SQL Server Database installation medium. You must download it from the Microsoft website.

Microsoft released multiple versions of SQL Server Management Studio around the same time as SQL Server Database versions.

  • With SQL Server 2017, you can use:
    • SSMS 17.x
    • SSMS 18.x
  • With SQL Server 2019/2022, you should use SSMS 18.x in its latest version (18.9.1 as of May 2021).

Pay attention to the fact that:

  • SSMS 16.x and 17.x include SQLCMD.exe and BCP.exe utilities in 32-bit variants only.
  • SSMS 18.x does not include SQLCMD and BCP utilities. You might need to install these utilities from another Microsoft installation package. See below.

Useful links for SSMS

The following links are in English, but there are localized versions of these pages.

SQLCMD and BCP utilities

From Sage X3 V12, the SAFE X3 Management Console and the Sage X3 Supervisor use the SQLCMD.exe SQL Server utility to:

  • Check and retrieve the SQL Server instance characteristics during configuration through the SAFE X3 Management Console.
  • Create the SQL Server database for Sage X3 Solution in the SQL Server instance (when you create the database through the SAFE X3 Management Console).
  • Create SQL Server users and schemas when importing a folder through the SAFE X3 Console.
  • Create SQL Server users and schemas when creating a new folder in the Sage X3 Supervisor.
  • Export sequence values when exporting folder data and import sequence values when importing folder data from SAFE X3 Management Console or Sage X3 Supervisor.
  • Perform various database verifications or management procedures in the Sage X3 Supervisor.

SQLCMD is a prerequisite for configuring all runtime components involved in a Sage X3 Solution. Especially in a multi-main configuration which is a candidate to enabling the application cluster mode.

Besides that, the BCP.exe utility (which comes with SQLCMD) is only used by the SAFE X3 Management Console when performing the following operations:

  • Folder copy in the same Sage X3 solution
  • Remote folder import (from one Sage X3 solution to another)
  • Folder export or import using the BCP data format option

There are different cases to consider regarding the SQLCMD prerequisites.

  • The Sage X3 runtime is in the same host as SQL Server RDBMS:
    In this case, SQL Server RDMBS embeds SQLCMD.exe. You have nothing to do.
    At configuration time for the SQL Server database parameters, select the proper ODBC tools path as:
    • SQL 2017: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools
    • SQL 2019/2022: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools

    The Sage X3 runtime will use the path set up for the database configuration to find the proper SQLCMD.

  • The Sage X3 runtime is in a different host as SQL Server RDBMS:

    In this case, you should do as follows:

    • With SQL Server 2017:

      You can use one of the following methods (you can also combine both):

      • Install SSMS 17.x in the Sage X3 runtime host and leverage embedded (32-bit) SQLCMD and BCP

      • Install (64-bit) SQLCMD and BCP version 14 or higher from Microsoft SQL Command Tools redistributable

    • With SQL Server 2019/2022:

      • As SSMS 18.x does not embed SQLCMD and BCP, you must install (64-bit) SQLCMD and BCP version 15 from Microsoft SQL Command Tools redistributable

You need to download the Microsoft Command Line Utilities for SQL Server package to install the SQLCMD and BCP utilities.

Installing SQL Server Command Line Utilities requires installing the SQL Server ODBC package in the same version before.


Download links