Keyboard shortcuts

The following shortcuts work for all standard keyboards.

Right panel actions

Shortcut Action Icon
Esc + N New
Esc + B Save
Esc + C Create
Esc + D Delete
Esc + E
Esc + Alt + U Update
Esc + Alt + P Print
Esc + Alt + A Attachments
Esc + Alt + C Comments
Esc + Ctrl + P
Esc + Ctrl + L

Record navigation

Shortcut Action Icon
Esc + Shift + J First
Esc + J Previous
Esc + K Next
Esc + Shift + K Last
Shortcut Action Example
Esc + 1 Got the first/home section
Esc + 2 Go to the second section
Esc + 3 Go to the third section
Esc + 4 Go to the fourth section
Esc + 0
Esc + 5 to Esc + 9
Go to the n section -
Esc + Up Go one section up -
Esc + Down Go one section down -
Page Up Go to the previous section -
Page Down Go to the next section -
Up Scroll a line up -
Down Scroll a line down -

Primary actions

Shortcut Action Icon
Esc + G + H Go to your homepage
Esc + G + B Open your bookmarks
Esc + G + N Open the navigation menu


Shortcut Action
Esc + F1 Trigger the online help:
  • For a field, if the focus is on a field
  • For the function, if no focus is on

Table actions

Shortcut Action
Esc + Ins Insert a new line
Esc + Del Delete a line
Esc + R Expand/Reduce all columns

Left bar actions

Shortcut Action Example
Esc + F5 Refresh the left list
Esc + F11
Esc + H + L
Toggle the left bar
Esc + Shift + Left Move from the entry to the left list

Field actions

Shortcut Action Example
Esc + M
Esc + F4
Open the Actions menu.
Then navigate with arrows and press enter.
Esc + F9 Jump to the item linked to the field.
Esc + L
Esc + F12
Open the drop-down menu.
Then navigate with arrows and press enter.

Other actions

Shortcut Action
Esc + S
Esc + F7
Open the search window
Esc + W + Z Reset user preferences
Esc + T Set the date to today
Esc + F6 Open the field properties
Esc + Q Go to the first filter row