Office client plugin

The web client is managing the Office integration through a plug-in. The Office plug-in connects to the web server to obtain the data, and it uses the same protocol as the web client.


There are two ways to install the plug-in:

  • Start the plug-in by clicking an Office link from client (Word Mail merge, Word report, Excel, or Powerpoint). If the plug-in is not yet installed, a link will be available in the user interface to download the plug-in.

  • Use the dedicated function from the following link:
    http://server:serv/msoffice/lib/general/addIn/SyracuseOfficeAddinsSetup.exe. where server is the server address and serv is the service number. This link is also available as an Office Plug-in Download menu item that can be used in a dashboard.
  • In both cases, an .MSI file is downloaded and installed. The installation process can also be used to uninstall the file; this is useful when the file has been updated and must be reinstalled.