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This function is used to delete or transfer a processing (in executable form only or with the source) between the folder processing directory and a temporary directory which can be located in a client workstation.

This transfer can be performed in one direction or the other.

In the case of a deletion, or in the case of a transfer to the TRT directory of the folder the processing archive is updated.

Screen management

A single window is used to enter the setups linked to the transfer or to the deletion.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Operation on the archive

  • field OPTION

Defines the operation to carry out

Block number 2

  • Folder (field DOSSIER)

Define the folder code, as it is defined in the folders table, in which the work will be carried out.

The code of the current folder is submitted by default. It can nevertheless correspond to another folder, including a folder located on another server than the current server, by means of the syntax server@FOLDER, where server corresponds to the server network path, and FOLDER, the folder code.

  • field W


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)

Specifies whether the transfer takes place to of from a server or a client.

If Server is selected, the server concerned by default is the server accommodating the current folder. Nevertheless it can be another server if the syntax server@FOLDER is used.

If Client is selected, the directory will not be entered in the submitted field, but it will be selected in a Windows window that will open subsequently.

  • Directory (field REPERT)

Defines the source or destination directory for the copy if it is performed on the server or on an accessible server.

  • Script (field TRT)

Define the name of the process to be copied.

  • Source (field SRC)

If this box is checked, the source is also transferred.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation